Little Fan?

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"Josh..", I whisper, he looks up from his phone. There they are, the tears, I start walking over to him, "Josh.. I'm so sorry..", I say again. He quickly stands up, wrapping me in his arms, "Don't be", he whsipers.
I start crying again, I feel soft whimpers coming from Josh too, "So how does pizza sou-". A voice cuts itself off, apparently realizing that Josh and I were crying and hugging. "Sarah.. I think we should go", the voice whispers to 'Sarah'. "Who is that?".
I shrug my shoulders, I pull away from the hug and Josh wipes my tears, "I love you", he whsipers. I smile, "I love you too". I plant a kiss on his forehead before going to the source of the voices. Brendon and Sarah.
"Hey guys!", I say, my voice still shaky from crying. "Hey little sis", Brendon says pulling me into a hug. I hug Sarah too, since she is my sister-in-law. "Where's Josh?", Brendon asks. I turn my back to them, not finding Josh there. "He might be gone upstiars".
With that, Brendon went in search for him, leaving me with Sarah, I've never really fancied her. But, since my brother loves her, I do too.
"I like your new house", she says happily, "Thanks Sarah..", I shrug, "What's wrong?"

"Josh and I just had our first, like, major fight"

"Aww.. I'm so sorry"

"It's nothing.."

"Lizzie! Yes it is.. you two just might get sick of each other sometimes"

"But we'll get through it", I finish her sentence, maybe I could grow on her. She takes my hands in hers, "Brendon and I don't always get along either. It happens", She explains. I nod my head, she pulls me in for another hug, "Sisters?", I ask, "Sisters", she smiles.


"Jo-osh!", I yell, "Hurry up!". Seconds Josh rushes out of my room, trying to button his jeans, "For fucks sake", I mumble. I go back downstairs, grabbing me a water bottle, "Ok ok I'm ready", he says.
"Chad!", I say happily, "Can you drive us to the park?". Chad nods his head and guides us out to the car, driving us to the park. "I don't even understand why I need bodyguards, I'm 28 and I've been fighting since I was 9", I sigh to Josh.
"It's only because of Luke", he says, "It's know". I sigh again, "Wanna get ice cream?", Josh asks, my eyes light up and I nod my head. "I'll race uou", Josh suggests, "Only cause you know you'll win", I say, nudging his shoulder.
"What if I don't? You could be faster than me". Minutes later Josh picks me up, straying to run towards the ice cream shop, "Put me down!", I giggle, "Fine". He sets me down in front of the shop, wrapping his arm around me.
"I hate you", I say slyly before going into the shop. "Hello my name is (random name) and how would I be a service to you?", a small girl, about my age asks Josh and i.
"Hello, I would like..", I pause looking for an ice cream flavor, "Cookie Dough". She nods and Josh steps beside me, "And could I get (idk something you'd eat)?", he asks. The girls eyes widen, "Omg! Omg! Omg! You're Josh Dun!", she squeals.
Josh smiles, "The one and only", he says, "C-could I get a picture.. y'know.. later?", she asks, "Mhm", Josh nods his head. She smiles and gets our orders, handing them over the counter, "Thank you", I say, handing her the money and sitting down at a booth across from Josh.
"She seemed sweet", I say, taking a bite of my ice cream, "Mhm", Josh answers, too focused on his ice cream. I giggle, and we go back to eating our ice cream, a comfortable silence between us. Soon to be broken.
(Random name) come walking up to us, seemingly forgetting that I'm there, "C-can I have that picture now?", she asks. Josh nods his head, standing up and taking the picture.
Before he sits down, (random name) whispers something in his ear, making his face turn into a small smile. Not one of joy, but sadness. He sits back down, "What happend?", I ask.
Josh ignores me, finishing his ice cream and walking away after throwing it in a trashcan (me). I throw mine away too, not finishing it and run after him, "Josh!", I yell.
"Babe!", he keeps ignoring me. I finally catch up to him, standing in front of him, "Josh..", I say, trying to catch my breath (cuz I'm a goner)
"Josh what happend?", I ask him, "She said she saw you with some other dude", he says quietly, as of trying not to break down, "What? Who?", I ask, " 'Said his name was Logan?"

"Josh.. that was just someone I saw from YouTube"

"Sure it was"

"It was really! He's just someone I've admired since I first saw him on YouTube"

Josh looks up at me, "You mean it?", I nod my head, "Let's go back home", he says. We start our journey back home, hand in hand.


"Liz! Liz Taylor!", says a small voice behind Josh and I. I turn around, seeing a girl, about 5-7, looking up at me. I kneel down to her, "Hi! What's your name?", I ask her, "My names Anna.. my brother and I really like your music", she says.
I smile, "Thank you!", I say happily, we take a picture with each other, "Can I tell you somethin?", she asks. I nod my head, "Some of the kids at my school have been being really mean to me. They never belive me when I say that.. that I'm friend with you", she lowers her voice.
"Well now you can tell them that you are.. and show them that picture", I whisper, she smiles and nods her head, "What if they ask you to come to my school?"

"Then I'll come to your school"



She smiles and runs off to her mom, squealing about how happy she is, only to come running back, "One more thing", she says. I nod, telling her to continue, "When are you and him gonna get married?", she asks in almost a whisper, like she wants Josh to hear her.
"One day.. and I'll even invite you", I say.
She goes off to her mom again, "Home?", Josh asks, "Home".

Here's a little fluffy chap with a smidgen of drama, yw. Love you guys and ye, I'll try to be more consistent on the story as well as Backstory too. ANYWAYS, I am currently being shipped with someone in my class. The shipper is KarterIsNotOnFire. But they're not being shipped with me. It's someone else. Oh and btw, Karter, YOU FRIGGIN SUCK. YOU UNCLUTTERED SWINE. I also want to do a character Q & A, by the end of this book, so ask some questions you'd like for Liz, Brendon, Josh or anyone else to answer! Thanks, bye bye!

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