Home Sweet Home

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The three of us laugh, "We should probably start packing", I say, struggling to breathe. "Yea, let's do that", Josh says getting off of me, "Oh now you want to listen to me?", I mumble. I sit up and go over to my suitcase, grabbing scattered clothes, shoes, and my small makeup bag.
I quickly stuff everything into the suitcase, "Slow down", Josh says putting a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch, "Sorry..", I whisper. My phone rings, I start walking over to it, and pick it up, "Hello?"

"Hey hot shot!"


"How's it goin?"

"Good, we're coming back tomorrow"

"That's great!"

"Yea I'm really excited"

"Mom is too, 'she hasn't seen her baby in two weeks' "

"Yea I know. But I'll be glad to see you too"

"Oh shit! I have to tell you something when you get back"

"... ok"

"See you tomorrow love ya"

"Love you too"

I hang up and put my phone down again, "Brendon?", Tyler asks, "Brendon".


"You ready?", Tyler asks me, "Huh?", I say breaking away from my thoughts, "Oh yea.. yea I'm ready", Tyler slings his arm around me as we step on to the plane, trying to find Josh. "Where'd he go?", I mumble. We finally see Josh lift his head up to look at us, "Thanks for waiting", I say sarcastically and sit next to him, "Your welcome".
Tyler sits down too, "Yea, why'd you even run away from us?", he asks, "Cause..", Josh puts his head down. I reach down to my bag and grab my earbuds, "Goodbye", I say and put them in.


"Baabe... wake uuup..", a small male voice coos, "We're landing". I lift my head up and look at Josh, "Fiiine", I mutter. I take my earbuds out and stiff them in my bag, "Your flight will be landing in 5 minutes. Be prepared to land", I voice rumble through the plane. In the next few minutes we land and everyone files off.
"Should I call my mom to pick us up or...?", I ask Josh and Tyler, "Uf she's ok with it", Tyler says. I nod and pull out my phone and dial my mom's number

One ring

Two rings

Three rings


"Hey mom, we just landed. Could you come pick us up from the airport?"

"Is it ok for Brendon to do it?"

"Yea, no, that's fine"

"He'll be there in 20 minutes"

I hang up and put my phone away, "Brendon picking us up in 20", I say. We go to sit down when a group of people run up to us, "Are you Twenty One Pilots and Liz Taylor?", one person asks, "Yes! Hi how are you?", I ask. They all smile, "I'm good", she answers.
Josh, Tyler, and I all sign things, take pictures, and gives hugs. "That's was fun", I say brushing my hair out of my face, "Yea it was amazing", Tyler agrees. We finally get the chance to sit.


Brendon pulls up to the airport and we all quickly run to avoid fans, "Hey Hot Shot, Ty, Josh", Brendon says as we get in. Me in the front passenger seat, Tyler and Josh in the back, "Hi", I say catching my breath. He starts the car up again and we start driving to the house.
"How was New York?", Brendon asks not looking at me, "Good", I answers, "Cool". I turn my head to look at him, "Are you ok?", I ask, "It's something that can't be discussed here", Brendon says. I simply nod and turn my head towards the window. "Dammit", I hear Brendon curse under his breath.
I choose to ignore it. We soon reach the house and we all get out, "Thanks, B", I say stepping out. Josh, Tyler, and Brendon follow me inside as mom runs up to me, "My baby!", she yells and pulls me into a hug, "Mom.. mom I need air", I say, "I thought you were in trouble", my mom says. I give her a confused look, "You don't know?".


Again, sorry for the short chap. I need your opinion on something. Should I do an 'X Reader story'? I kinda want to but I don't think I would be good at it. ALSO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100+ READS. I didn't think I'd get this far but thank you so much!

QOTD: What's your favorite song? Mines Nicotine by P!ATD


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