Chapter Twelve: The Interscholastic Exchange

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A/N: Just an early heads up. This one has a very little (if not none) effect on the story. It's really nothing.. It's kinda a preparation and a few teasers about my SEQUEL for my other story (Who to Choose 2) I think it's just necessary to break it out now.. If you guys would want to skip this chapter, I'd totally understand ^_^


I went on to find Cedric but I failed. Still mad at Malfoy and worried for Cedric, I proceeded to our Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall and the Ravenclaws. I took my seats and looked around. It was just like the usual. Everybody chatting like nothing happened or happening. I'm betting after this class, I'll be hot news. Me and Draco to be exact.

I tried to keep my mind off things for the time being but my mind still drifts away. A few minutes before our class ended, Professor McGonagall announce something rather, surprising.

"I don't know if Professor Flitwick has already told the Ravenclaws about this but being the head of the Gryffindor house, I would take this time to announce something very, very important. As we all know, the last TriWizard Tournament has been part of history. It was the time whereas the Dark Lord has been defeated. The TriWizard Tournament has, undeniably, caused hundreds of deaths for the past decades. So now, after much study, the Ministry has already decided a perfect solution to end the bloodbath but still continue maintaining the precious friendship between the three largest and widely known wizardry schools across the globe: Our school; Hogwarts, Our friends up in the north; Durmstrang, and the beautiful ladies from Beauxbatons. And the most logical and interesting way is by a Interscholastic exchange." Professor McGonagall explained.

There were 'ooohh's and 'ahhh's from each one but I remained silent.

~No more TriWizard Tournament? That's brilliant. And I'm sure this Interscholastic exchange would be much better and much safer..~

After our Professor has hushed everyone up, she proceeded "And here's how it works: Each of the three schools will choose one exceptional student in their care to participate. That chosen student will be sent to one of the two other schools for about a week to mingle and learn the ways of the students there. And of course, to maintain friendship, which is the main objective. Unlike the Tournament, this program has no age limit and everyone can be an option. All students are requested to give their own essays to their head of houses about why they should be chosen as the exchange student. BUT, there's a big but, the headmaster, if supported by the faculty, can choose a student who hasn't submitted an entry to be the participant."

There were murmurs and whispers around. Then Neville's hand shot up. Professor acknowledge him and he asked shyly "Uhmm.. Wh-what do we write about? Are there some requirements? Or a criteria perhaps?"

"There is. The student should have good character and moral values. That's the most important thing. He/She should also be active in or out of school, like for example Quidditch, but good grades can pull you through too. You should be able to adapt quickly with your surroundings and will not create any mess that would put the school to shame. We would openly like to know those who are interested but also we, the faculty, have our choices and let's say, thoughts on who to represent our school. I am pleased to say that there are some appealing candidates in our house that are already being observed. Don't lose hope though, there are endless possibilities." Professor McGonagall answered.

Everyone became silent. They knew they did not contain some of those characteristics. And a word spread around about who were the thoughts of the faculty.

"If there are no other questions, you are dismissed." Professor McGonagall announced.

Everyone shuffled outside, still murmuring about the surprising announcement.

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