Chapter Fourteen: Trip to the Chamber

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Later on that night, I stepped into the almost empty library. I need to do MAJOR research tonight because tomorrow, we'll be doing it for real. Well not really for real but tomorrow night, Cedric and I planned to investigate around the chamber. We just don't know how we can open it. Draco is not part of this quest. Even though we're kinda okay right now, his hurtful words still burnt at the back of my mind so no. I still won't be helping him.

As one mythology book started to turn into three, five, ten..and until it finally produced a huge heap in front of me. I don't think I can possibly read all these books but if I have to stay up all night, I will. Flipping through the pages, I saw the photo that I noticed last time. And now I know he's not just any one old and put in history. Nor someone who I just read about. It was definitely Salazar Slytherin. There was also an article beside it that I haven't bothered to read last time. My eyes drifted around and noticing that no one is here, I quickly tore the article with the photo from the book before shoving it into my pocket.

I stood up and returned all the books to its places. I just feel that somehow, that article already contained everything I need to know about Medusa. It weighed heavily on my pocket knowing it's still school property but I just got to do it. As I walked unsteadily outside, I heard splashes of water. I looked around but there was no one.. Then I heard it.

"Come...You're the one I want, not theeeeessssee ssssssilly boysssssss" It hissed.

I quickened my pace and tried to cover my eyes but the voice was ringing inside my brain. Finally, not able to resist it any longer, I rushed to Myrtle's bathroom (I dunno, it just sort of led me there) And as I stepped inside, I instantly knew there was a presence of something non-human. I looked around for Myrtle and I saw her standing beside the row of sinks, staring at somewhat like a corridor. I crept behind her and asked.

"Where does this lead? I haven't seen it before? Is it possible that it was just opened because of some kind of a spe-"

But before I even finished, she answered with a shaky breath "This is the entrance passage...of the chamber of secrets."

I gasped at what she said,

~Was it really possible? Then, why is it open tonight? Maybe someone's in there..~

I peeked at it a little and saw that it was not really lighted. I can hear muffled voices down there.

"Myrtle..Is anybody inside?" I asked the ghostly figure beside me who gave a light nod.

"Yes. Two persons to be exact. And what's surprising is that they're.." She stopped to giggle before continuing "Boys.. One has this pale blond hair and is definitely cute. I never saw him before but I guess he's in slytherin because of his tie. The other one was taller and much more gorgeous, he is a prefect. Oh and I know his name.. Cedric? Yeah.. that's him. I helped him figure out his egg during the triwizard competition! And you know, he....-"

She continued blabbering about Cedric but I wasn't really listening. The slytherin boy, I'm pretty sure it was Malfoy. But..What are they doing there? And Cedric..We weren't supposed to go here until tomorrow night. Why? Before I have second thoughts, I jumped into the constant darkness with nothing but my wand and wits to help me.



That was me as I hit solid ground. I heard some crunching noises and realized that I have fallen into a pile of small bones. Before I could even stand up, I was already at the end of, not one, but two wands.

"Who are you?" Asked one, who I was sure is Diggory.

I swat it away and stood up, brushing myself. Then there was light hitting my face. It was Draco.

I heard both of them gave surprised sounds before Cedric stuttered "R-Renee..Wh-what are you doing here? We're not supposed-"

"Yeah. We are not supposed to be here until tomorrow night. What are you doing here?" I asked back.

But before he could answer, I was already pinned to a what? A wall? by Draco. I can feel his breath on my face. With the light coming only from their wands, I can't make out his face, but it surely wasn't happy.

"What the hell are you doing here, Sparks? What the bloody hell?" He asked, not letting go of me.

I shoved him away and he landed with a small thud. "What are you doing here? I and when Myrtle told me you guys were down, I ..I was.."

I didn't know what word to say. How to describe what I felt when I learned they were here. Jealous? No I'm not. Happy? Nope. Sad, why would I? Scared? Yes..Terrified even. but I don't want to look weak. Instead, I settled for..

"I was curious. Yeah..Curious about what you guys are doing here." I finished.

"You shouldn't be here, Sparks. Leave now." Draco hissed. I noticed he was holding his foot.

"Why should I?! Why can't YOU leave?" I snapped.

Draco gave me, according to what I could make out, a glare. "Get out of here while you still have time. You shouldn't be here!! Leave now! You'll get hurt!"

I felt my temper rising "What the-? Who do you think you are to tell me what to do huh? And I'm not a baby anymore! If I get hurt, it's my fault. And If I get hurt, I can manage. I won't cry like a bawling baby. I can take care of myself. Besides, if I get hurt.." I stopped letting the words weigh in my tongue. "If I get hurt, wouldn't that make you happy? That's what you want all along right? To make me cry? To make me feel worthless? To make me feel inferior? To make me look and feel weak?! That's it right!?"

The two boys exchanged glances without really saying anything. Cedric's face was serious while Draco..I don't know.. his face was unreadable at the moment. Then Cedric gave a subtle nod to Draco which he returned.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed. "Sending secret messages aren't you?"

Instead of answering me, Cedric glanced at me and pointed at Draco "Fix his foot. I'm going to get a look around."

"Alone?!" My eyes widened at the thought." No. I'm going with you! I'm not letting you-"

"I'm sorry Renee, But I'm not asking for your permission. Don't be so tough. You don't know the other side of the story." Cedric said. "It would be best if you stay here. I'll give a call if I need anything. Keep your ears and eyes open."

I don't know if I have imagined it or not but I think I caught him whisper "In the process, Add your brain and heart too." Before disappearing into darkness.

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