Chapter Nineteen: Bouillabaisse

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and instantly, I placed my left hand over my right. I raised it up and saw that the snake bite was pretty swollen but nevertheless, not that painful anymore. With blinking eyes, I glanced over my right shoulder and saw a gash mark just right next to my collarbone. Then everything came rushing back to me.

Medusa, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Gryffindor's sword, the chamber of secrets, the kiss, Draco.

I turned my head sideways as I pull myself up to sitting position. My body was still aching all over but it was manageable. I saw Cedric sitting on a chair with his head on the bedside table. I smiled a little as I stroke a few strands of hair from his face. He stirred in his sleep and made me pull my hand away quickly. I was still watching him when his eyes flew open. He gave a slight grin and chuckle before stretching and yawning a bit.

"Rise and Shine!" I exclaimed.

He laughed at this before perching his elbows on my bed. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged and answered "Good I guess.. I couldn't say fully recovered but I'm much better than yesterday. Hey wait a minute, it was yesterday right? Or last night? How long have I been out?"

"About a day. When we brought you here, it was almost sunrise. We waited for you to wake up but I guess you took a slight break from the happenings, which you truly deserve after saving all of us. So, yes. You've been asleep for 24 hours. Oh before I forgot.." He said then handing me a bowl containing what seemed like a massacre of sea foods. I gave an uneasy look at the dish before looking back at Cedric.

"Is that even edible? It's supposed to be eaten right?" I said, looking at the bowl, unconvinced.

He let out a chuckle and said "Yes it is. And believe me, it's awesome. Hermione brought that for you. It's called bouillabaisse. Go on. eat up."

I glanced at it one more time and said "Fine. I'll take your word for it." Then I ate a spoonful of it. He was right it was delicious!! Within just a few minutes, the sea food massacre was gone.

"So? Did you like it?" He asked.

"I would care for seconds." I said, grinning.

We talked for a few while, mainly me, filling him in on what happened with Medusa. We shared a few laughs before his tone turned serious as he faced me. "Renee, listen. We need to talk about something. I'm doing this for you and a friend. Be completely honest with me. Why did you pull away?"

I shot him a puzzled expression "What? Pulled away? Where?"

He heaved a sigh and smiled lightly "You were gone for a day. I have no one to talk to with what happened so I had a little chat with Draco."

My heart leaped to my throat and I tried to gulped it down. "Wh-What did he say?"

"He told me everything. Now answer me, why did you pull away from that kiss you shared?"

I shifted uneasily on the bed and looked away "Because..." I started "Because I hate him. I hate his guts, I hate his everything. He made my school life miserable, Cedric. You know that."

He turned my chin to face him "Are you sure that's just it?"

I nodded, without looking at his eyes, knowing that I'm keeping the truth from him.

He crossed his arms over his chest and looked thoughtful "Hmm.. I have a suspicion in mind..The real reason why you pulled away. Let me ask you a question." He said before sitting next to me. "Renee, Surely I did not make your school life miserable, did I?"

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