chapter 16

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Major incoming SOS from Autobots Multiple Decepticon contacts in motion.

Vicinity eastern United States sir. As in how many? Unclear sir. Well get clear.

The Autobots are on the move splitting into two teams sir. They're not answering our calls

and they're heading to New York and Philadelphia. All right full weapons deployment. Wheels up in 20 minutes. Move it. Let's go. Olivia called base right before they left as the major answered hello. Olivia said we need help you know where we are the cons are moving in fast my dad and optimus and ratchet bumblebee is getting closer but we need all the help we can get. The major said it will be ok. There coming the major said hurry up just got a call from Olivia they are in despair need of help. Sam was in his room when Leo walked in the hallway. Alicia mi amor can I interest you in an 18-inch Zookeeper's special Extra-large triple cheese with every known animal as a topping. Basically I've got like 18 inches of meat. Unless you're vegetarian All right. It's cool I am too. Sam home? Sam I think he died but why don't we check. Here we are. Hey You ever have a song stuck in your head. It's like the worst song ever but you can't help to whistle it or sing it cause it like repeats itself repeats itself repeats itself repeats itself. Kitten calendar kitten calendar, kitten calendar kitten calendar. Dude what the eff? I know you're freaking out. Don't freak out, Don't freak out, Easy fix. Puzzle code in my head. Now it's on the walls Everything is good. This is the part that Okay what were you saying. Alice I'm horrified you had to see this. Let's go. Get out. Wait wait wait Can I just sit and watch? I'll I'll eat my pizza quietly Sam, I knew there was something special about you. Really And I know you know what happens when two people in the know get together. They're genuinely amazing in bed. Thank you All right listen hold on! Boundaries Flag on the play. Okay I'm very ticklish. We have needs Sam. Relax Jeez. What about this economy? It's crazy isn't it. You are very aggressive. Just relax. You want some turkey meatloaf? Sam! Mikaela! Is that your girlfriend? Ex! Olivia yelled no not Sam. Mikaela looked over Olivia said. Get back bitch the girl transformed Olivia ran up to it punched kicked it she threw it out the window she jumped out after it. Sam and Mikaela said what the hell was that? Sam said Olivia needs our help lets go. Olivia was fighting it she then seen the bunny bots come to her. She said attack. They did as told Olivia seen Sam come on hurry up we have to get out of here. She transformed in her car mode she said get in if you want to. She drove very fast away from all the fighting till she got stuck in a beam she tryed to pull out but she couldn't. She said get out run they both said no were not leaving you to be in danger. Olivia said they want you Sam and they want me to, but they want me more than you so just go now please....

                                                                                End of chapter 16

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