Three Weeks Later

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Lauren's pov: Ugh I am not feeling well. She then decided to call Alex and says.
Lauren: Hey baby I'm not feeling well can you come over.
Alex : Sure I'll be over in a few. A few minutes later alex showed up with a bag. In the bag he had chicken noodle soup and crackers he even brought her a pregnancy test because she told him that she missed her period. She gave him a kiss and grabbed the test and went into the restroom and took it. A few minutes later Lauren walks out of the restroom with tears in her eyes.  She then shows alex the test and it said pregnant. After a while they sit on the couch and start talking about what they should do. Lauren then turned and says.
Lauren: Maybe we could move in together and get married. Alex then looks at her and says.
Alex: Did you just propose. Lauren then says.
Lauren: kinda what...
Before Lauren could say another word Alex kissed her and says.
Alex: I would love nothing more in this world than to be your husband. Not having a proper engagement ring Alex gives Lauren the ring he brought a few years back for a video he and roi did called Marry Me perody.

Alex then gets down on one knee and says.
Alex: Now it's time for me to ask you. He then starts to choke up a little and says.
Alex: Lauren I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife. Lauren then looks at alex and says.
Lauren: YES I WILL. They then kiss and decided to call their families and tell them the news.
Lauren: who should we call first
Alex: your parents. They call lauren's parents first and her dad answered the phone.
Daddiy: Hey sweetie what's up.
Lauren: Alex and I have something to tell you and mom can you get her please. A few minutes later momdiy comes on the phone
Momdiy: Hey sweetie what's up.
Lauren: Alex and I have something to tell you.
Daddiy: what is it
Lauren: I'm pregnant and we are engaged. There was a moment of silence then momdiy says
Momdiy: that's great sweetie we are so happy for you congrats. We have to go talk to you soon love you.
Lauren: love you both more. They ended the call and alex called his parents next.
Alex: well time to call my parents. He dialed the number and his mom answered it.
Mama Wassabi: hello.
Alex : hi mom I have something to tell you and dad can you get him for me.
Mama Wassabi: he's at the store but I can tell him for you.
Alex: Ok well Lauren is pregnant and we are engaged. After a few minutes mama wassabi says.
Mama Wassabi: that's great sweetie we are so happy for you congrats.
Alex:Thanks mom I thought you where going to be mad.
Mama Wassabi: no I'm not mad you are a grown man and can make your own mind up of what you want in life. Beside Lauren is a great girl and babies are a blessing. I love you no matter what.
Alex : I love you too mom. He ends the call and breaths a sigh of relief.
Lauren: that went better than expected.
Alex: Yeah tell me about it. They kiss eat dinner and went to bed.

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