time to go home

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Lauren: we have been in the hospital for three days now and it is finally time to go home and start our lives as a family. The doctor comes in the room and does a quick check up on the babies and me. He then tells me that we are all set to go. I text alex and say.
Lauren: Hey baby the doctor says we can go home now.
Alex: Ok baby I'll be there in a few. A few minutes later alex showed up and helps Lauren get the babies ready to go home. Lauren then turned and says.
Lauren: all ready to go. Alex then takes the boys and handed maddie to Lauren. They then ask one of the nurses for help with their stuff and she gladly helped. Once they got to the car alex put the babies in the car and helped Lauren. After that he put their stuff into the trunk and gets in the car and drives home. Once home Alex gets the babies into the house and helped Lauren then got their stuff and  walked inside. When they got settled Lauren fed them and alex burped them and put them in their cribs for a nap. He then looks at Lauren and says.
Alex: Are you hungry baby.
Lauren: Yes I want a salad with blue berries.
Alex: Ok if my little petunia wants that then she will. Lauren then looks at alex and says.
Lauren: Thanks baby I love you.
Alex: I love you too baby. He gives her a kiss and goes downstairs and starts cooking dinner. A few minutes later alex goes back upstairs to give Lauren her food in bed because he told her to stay upstairs and rest. When they finish eating alex takes the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. He then went back upstairs to check on the kids and he sees that they are fast asleep so he goes check up on Lauren and she is asleep too. He climbed in bed himself and was soon asleep.

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