Babies Time

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Lauren: it started off as a beautiful Friday afternoon at when I started to feel like I was getting a little crampy. I called Alex and told him.
Lauren: Alex baby I think I'm going into labor. He quickly called Aaron to come over to watch the kids while we were at the hospital.
Alex: Hey bro can you come over and watch the kids while we are at the hospital Lauren thinks she might be going into labor.
Aaron: Sure bro on my way. Alex then walks over to Lauren and says.
Alex: Don't worry baby we will get you to the hospital and see what is going on. just breathe through the contractions. 30 minutes later Aaron arrived and says.
Aaron: call me when you see the doctor.
Alex : I will. He then turned to Lauren and says.
Alex: come on baby let's get you to the hospital. He got Lauren in the car and drives to the hospital. when they got there alex tells the lady at the front desk.
Alex: I need help my wife thinks she might be going into labor and is in a lot of pain. One of the nurses gets Lauren a wheelchair and alex takes her upstairs to labor and delivery. Once they got there the nurse comes in and checks Lauren and says that she is at 9 centimeters dialated and they need to get her into the operating room right away because if she has at least one of the babies vaginally it cold be very harmful to her and the other babies. Alex looks at Lauren with a reassuring look and says.
Alex: Don't worry baby everything will be alright just stay calm and focus on breathing through the pain. Lauren nods and mouths to alex.
Lauren mouthing words to alex: I love you baby. He does the same.
About 35 minutes later they are in the operating room and alex starts kissing Lauren on the top of her head while stoning her hair and holding her hand with his other hand. an hour later the babies are born and  They are two girls and a boy. They decided to name the girl Erin and the boy's John and roi. After the surgery was over they wheeled Lauren into recovery for an hour and alex went with the babies to the nursery to be checked out. He takes a ton of pictures so he can show Lauren. He goes to her recovery room and shows her the pictures.
Alex: after the surgery was over they wheeled Lauren into recovery for an hour and I went to be with the babies to go get them cheked out. After I went back to Lauren's recovery room and showed her the pictures and told her that the babies where completely healthy and would be back with us soon. I gave her a kiss and told her that I love her and she did the same. A few minutes later she got to go back to our room and fed the babies. I called Aaron and gave him an update.
Alex: Hey bro sorry I didn't call you sooner but once we got to the hospital everything happened so fast that I forgot to call you
Aaron: It's ok how are Lauren and the babies.
Alex: Everyone is great we have two healthy boys and one healthy girl.
Aaron: That's great what are their names.
Alex: Their names are, Erin John and roi.
Aaron: Wow I love those.
Alex: thanks bro can you bring the kids to meet their new baby brother's and sister.
Aaron: yeah I'll bring them in the morning.
Alex: Ok love you goodnight
Aaron: goodnight love you too. Alex then goes back to their room and sees Lauren fast asleep so he goes and gives her a kiss and goes to sleep.

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