Time To Tell Aaron

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Alex's pov: I've been back in LA for a week now and decided that I should probably tell Aaron what has been going on with me since the accident. Alex: Hey bro can you come over I want to talk to you about something.
Aaron: Sure be right there. About 30 minutes later Aaron arrived and says.
Aaron: Hey bro what did you want to tell me.
Alex: let's go outside and sit down. They go outside and sit down then Alex looks at Aaron and says.
Alex: Do you remember that accident I was in a while back.
Aaron: yeah why.
Alex: well I started to have bad dreams about it and have been diagnosed with PTSD And depression I hate feeling this way so Lauren thought it was good idea for me to seek help. I've been working with a therapist it's helped me a little bit but I every now and then get a nightmare about the accident. one night the dream was so bad that I woke up screaming and accidentally hit Lauren in the stomach. She then thought it was a good idea for me to go back to Nort Carolina for while so I did for about a week. I wish I would have told you sooner but I didn't think about it. I'm sorry for telling you now instead of sooner.
Aaron: it's ok bro I'm glad you told me. are you doing better
Alex: yeah going back to North Carolina helped. I'm also still working with a therapist. it's helped me a lot.
They then stood up and hugged. A few minutes later the kids come outside with moose and Aaron looks at moose then Alex and says.
Aaron: who is this little guy.
Alex: this is moose. Lauren and I got him for the kids about a month ago. Aaron: he is so cute. He pets moose then gives the kids a huge hug and says bye then walks out to his car and leaves. Alex played with the kids and moose for a while then goes upstairs and sees Lauren just laying there watching tv so he sits next to her and they watched a little tv together for a while. Lauren then goes downstairs to check on the kids and tells them that it's almost time for dinner and to go wash up. Lauren then goes and order a pizza. About 20 minutes later the pizza man arrived and Lauren pays the guy and calls everyone down for dinner. They eat dinner and watch a movie Lauren then turned to the kids and tells them that they need to start getting everything ready for bed. They then ask if they could have a campout in the playroom. Lauren looks at alex and says.
Lauren: Well what do you think.
Alex: yeah let's have a campout but in a fort.
Children: YEAH!!!! JUST GET YOUR FARTS OUT NOW DADDY. Everyone then bust out laughing. Alex then looks at everyone and says.
Alex: okay I'll go get them out now. He then goes to the basement  (his personal bathroom) he starts to fart then all of the sudden he realize that he accidentally pooped his pants. He then runs upstairs to change into his pjs and goes back downstairs and says.
Alex: I got my FARTS out and a little extra. The Kids then say.
Children: you pooped your pants didn't you.
Children: YUP. They got the fort ready and climbed into it and cuddle until they are fast asleep.

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