The Time Has Come part 2

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Lauren's pov: The Time Has Come for us to welcome theses babies into our lives and I was a little nervous  (ok flat out terrified because I've never had surgery before) the doctor says since I am having triplets the best way to give birth is by c-section. We got to the hospital at 6am and I got ready for the surgery and they gave alex a weird looking outfit to put over his clothes. Once we where in the operating room they put a curtain up so I couldn't see anything. alex was holding my hand and stroking my hair with his other hand. After about 30 minutes the first baby is born and it's a boy. we decided to name him aden. A few minutes later another boy was born and we decided to name him Andrew. After about 30 minutes the last baby was born and we decided to name her maddie. They then take the babies to the nursery to be checked out. since I couldn't go be with them alex went and took a lot of pics to show me. After the surgery was over they wheeled me into recovery for an hour. 30 minutes later Alex came back and shows me the pics of the babies and says that Aden did have a little trouble with breathing so he had to be placed on oxygen for about three hours but Andrew and maddie are perfectly healthy and I got to breastfeed both babies right away. I got to go see aden in the nicu for a few minutes then went back to my room and asked for something for the pain I was in. The doctor gave me something for the pain and it made me a little sleepy so I took a nap while Alex played with the babies. After about three hours Aden was able to get off of oxygen and join us in our room. I fed him and alex and I look at each other and Smile. I am so in love with my beautiful family. Especially my amazing fiance who I am sooo thankful to have. After I was able to eat dinner we all settled in for the night and alex and I watched a little Netflix until we both fell asleep. Around 3am the babies woke up and wanted to be fed so I fed them Alex changed there diapers and burped them then we got some more sleep. I guess I'll have to start getting used to waking up in the middle of the night to take care of my babies. I don't mind at all I wouldn't have it any other way.

Completely Inseparable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora