PTSD And Therapy

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Alex: it's been a month since I was in the accident but I am still having horrible dreams about it and have been dealing with depression I hate feeling this way so Lauren thought it was a good idea for me to seek help. So I have been working with a therapist. It has helped a little bit but I every now and then get a nightmare about the accident. Once the dream was so bad that I woke up screaming and accidentally hit Lauren in the stomach.
Lauren: OW!!
Alex: Baby are you ok.
Lauren: You hit me in my stomach.
Alex: I'm so sorry baby I had a bad dream.
Lauren: Was it about the accident.
Alex: Yes. It scared me and I woke up screaming and accidentally hit you. Are you ok.
Lauren: I'm fine baby try and go back to sleep.
Alex: Ok I love you
Lauren: I love you too. Alex then gives Lauren a kiss and goes back to sleep. The next morning alex wakes up early gives the kids breakfast and takes them to school. He then goes to his therapy session. After his therapy session he returns home to see Lauren standing at the fridge trying to find her something to eat. He then walks over to her puts his arms around her waist and kisses her neck. She then turned around and puts her arms around him and gives him a huge passionate kiss. Alex then pushed Lauren into the fridge and kisses her on the mouth and moved down to her chest. He then picked her up carries her to their bedroom and closed the door. Once in the bedroom he puts Lauren on the bed and takes off his shirt he then tells her to put her arms in the air and she did. He proceeded to take off her shirt and she lays down on the bed and Alex then takes off his pants then the rest of Lauren's clothing and his. He then starts to climb on top of her. They start kissing and Alex runs his hands down her back while slowly going into her. Lauren then starts moaning and says.
Lauren: oooh baby more more more more more. Alex then starts to go faster until he cums. Once he cums Lauren then let out a loud scream.
Lauren: Ahh yes!!!
Alex: Oh My Glob. After about three hours they finish making love and they kiss and got cleaned up and dressed. They then go pick up the kids from school and go out to eat. Once they got home they told the kids to get ready for bed. Once they got the kids to bed they went in their room and put on their PJ's crawl into bed and cuddle until they are fast asleep. Around 3am Alex woke up screaming from another nightmare about the accident. Lauren then turned and says.
Lauren: Baby are you ok. at first alex doesn't answer so Lauren turns on the light and says.
Lauren:Baby answer me are you ok. Alex then burst into tears and says.
Alex while crying: no I'm not. I'm sick of having these nightmares. Lauren then turned and says.
Lauren: is there anything I can do to make you feel better. Alex then looks at Lauren and says.
Alex: I need my mom. Lauren then turned and says.
Lauren: if you want you can go to North Carolina and spend some time there. He then starts to ask her if she is sure. Before he could finish the sentence Lauren cut him off by kissing him and says.
Lauren: I love you baby and I want you to be happy if you feel you need to go see your family then go me and the kids will be alright. He then looks at Lauren and says.
Alex: I love you too baby soooo much. They then kiss and go back to sleep. The next morning alex wakes up and calls the airlines to book a flight to North Carolina. He then tells the kids.
Alex: Daddy is going to go away for a while I want you to be on your best behavior for momma while I'm gone. Maddie: how long will you be gone daddy.
Alex: I'm not sure princess but I promise I will be alright and back. He then gave them each a huge hug and kiss and tells them to go play with moose. He then goes upstairs and starts to pack. As he was packing Lauren walks in the room and says.
Lauren: what are you doing baby.
Alex: just packing I'm going to go to North Carolina and spend some time with my parents and siblings for a while. Lauren then grabbed his hands and he turns around to face her. Lauren then looks into Alex's eyes and says.
Lauren: I love you soo much baby.
Alex: I love you too baby. They kiss and alex puts his arms around her and gives her a huge hug and then turned and finished packing. Once finished he puts his stuff into the car and gives Lauren and the kids a huge hug and says bye. He then heads off to the airport.
Skip ahead a few hours.
Once in North Carolina he gets an uber and goes to his parents house. He thanked the driver and rang the doorbell. His mom answered it and says.
Mama Wassabi: Alex what are you doing here. Alex then giggles and gives his mom a huge hug and says.
Alex: I've been feeling a little sad and wanted to be with my mom. They both smile and Alex walked inside and sat down on the couch and starts talking and says.
Alex: mom the reason I have been feeling sad is because I have been dealing with depression and have diagnosed with PTSD because of the accident I was in a month ago. His mom looks at him shocked and says.
Mama Wassabi: wow I had no idea that you have been dealing with all of this. Just then his little brother Andrew comes in and sees him.
Andrew: ALEX what are you doing here.
Alex: I have been feeling sad and wanted to be with my family for awhile.
Andrew: are Lauren and the kids here
Alex: no just me. I'll bring them next time.
Andrew: oh ok. How long will you be here.
Alex: not sure maybe a few days.
Andrew: Great I've really missed you
Alex: I've missed you too. Listen there is something I want to talk to you about.
Andrew: Ok let's go on a walk. Andrew goes upstairs and gets his shoes and they go on a walk. Once they where on their walk alex then says.
Alex: the reason I have been feeling sad is because I have been dealing with depression and have been diagnosed with PTSD because of the accident I was in a month ago. I've been working with a therapist it's helped me a little bit but I every now and then get a nightmare about the accident. Lauren then suggested that if I wanted to I could come spend some time here with you and the rest of the family. Andrew stood there in shock for a second and then hugged his big brother and says.
Andrew: I'm glad you told me. When I walked in the room and saw you I felt like something was different about you. Alex then looks at him and says.
Alex: what do you mean.
Andrew: you weren't your normal happy self. You just weren't the Alex i know. Alex then looks at Andrew and says.
Alex: that's why I came home I want to be me again. I'll do what ever it takes to be my old self again. They hug and walk back to the house. Once there alex was greeted by his nice Malaya.
Malaya: UNCLE ALEX!!! Alex then giggles and picked her up and gave her the biggest hugest hug he has ever given her.
Malaya: Uncle Alex how are you
Alex : I'm better now that my little princess gorgeous is here. I've missed you so much.
Malaya: I missed you too. They went in the house and Alex hugged his sister and dad. They hungout for a while then Alex's sister put Malaya to bed and Alex then tells her and their dad the reason he was there and they hugged him. After about a week alex decided that he was ready to return to LA his dad drove him to the airport and said goodbye. Skip ahead a few hours.
Once back in LA Alex Was picked up by Lauren. When they saw each other Lauren ran to Alex and jumped in his arms.
Lauren: WELCOME HOME BABY. I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH. They kissed and got his stuff and went home. Once home Alex was greeted by his kids and moose.
Children: WELCOME HOME DADDY. alex then giggles and gives the kids each a huge hug and kiss. They then go inside and played until it was time for the kids to go to bed. Once the kids where in bed Lauren and alex went to their room and crawl into bed and cuddle until they are fast asleep.

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