The Time Has Come.

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Alex's pov: the time has come for Lauren and I to welcome these babies into our lives and I was SUPPER nervous because well it's multiple babies. Since Lauren was pregnant with triplets the doctor says it's best to have the babies by c-section. We got to the hospital at 6am and got Lauren all prepared for the surgery and I got into a weird looking outfit they gave me to put over my clothes. Once we where in the operating room they put a curtain up so Lauren couldn't see anything. I sat next to her holding her hand and stroking her hair with my other hand. After about 20 minutes the first baby is born and it's a boy. We decided to name him Aden 4 minutes later another boy was born and we decided to name him Andrew . Then finally the girl was born and we decided to name her maddie. The doctor's then took the babies to the nursery to be checked out. Aden did have a little harder of a time breathing so he had to be placed on oxygen for about three hours. Maddie and Andrew where perfectly healthy I took a ton of pictures so I could show Lauren later. After the surgery was over they wheeled Lauren into recovery for an hour then she got to go see aden in the nicu for a few minutes then she went back to our room and fed Andrew and maddie. After feeding maddie and Andrew Lauren was hurting and asked for something for the pain. The doctor gave Lauren something for the pain and it made her sleepy so she took a nap while I played with the babies. After three hours of oxygen Aden got to join us in our room. Lauren fed him and I burped him ( he actually did that with all three babies) after burning Aden I took a lot of pics of Lauren and the babies.

The next chapter will be lauren's pov.

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