Chapter 1

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Light was filtering through the gaps of my curtains brightening my room slowly awaking me from sleep. Surely it wasn't morning yet?? But I didn't have classes today so I wasn't that worried. So I don't check the time or my phone. I probably have a message (or two) but it can wait.
Honestly though I just could not sleep for the most part of the night. Thoughts rattling around my head and now I'm waking up still feeling so tired I just want to hibernate. Maybe I shall, I could wake up next week or month! Ok maybe not next month. And there is the matter of my classes which I can't skip if I wish to become a doctor. But sleeping longer did sound good right now.

That way if I do sleep I would not have to think about what Ming said to me during dinner last night. Or well any of it. Yes I could of just been rude and walked away from him refusing to go with him to eat and just act like my usual grumpy self. But I couldn't, the look he gave me I just couldn't refuse him. Also I guess I did kind of make that promise to him if he won the campus moon title. And yes he did win the title, for me! Apparently....
I open my eyes slightly and see his title banner over on my deck chair. I quickly I roll my eyes before closing them again. He so easily gave it to me after months of hard long days of practice for the competition. I guess that does mean it's all true. No! I can't think clear right now...
As I have his banner here too it'll mean I'll definitely have to see him soon so he can have it back for future photoshoots.
Ming has really got to me now and not just because of yesterday... but I wont show it outside these four walls. Or try at least. It's getting harder to do so.
It's really pissing me off, I gave in so easily when he asked me to dinner, I got annoyed overhearing his phone calls with his "ex" and then he announced he's courting me and what do I do... Just tell him to eat his food... I should be angry at him telling him I'm into girls and he's being absurd but I don't do any of that. This is not me.

I sigh and pull the covers over my head. Yes it blocked the light out once more but Ming's words came back into my mind...
'I will chase you.'
Why the hell didn't I refuse him outright. Yes I was really hungry but I just carry on eating my meal.
'I'll think you agree silently.'
I just tell him to eat his food. Though he said all this I didn't actually feel annoyed but more confused.
I cover my ears with my hands forcefully but it's not at all helpful it's all etched into my memory and I can't block it out...
He even called me his boyfriend to his ex on the phone knowingly teasing me though it's mainly because Ming wanted her to know he did not want her back.

Again I didn't react (well he was on the phone how could I) and well I was in shock too that he had said that to someone. Maybe he really is serious about me.
'I can only see you now.'
I sit up the bed covers falling down from my head as I do so.
I let out a scream not caring if I wake people (I still don't know the time).
I have to distract myself these thoughts will drive me crazy.

None of this would be happening if it was for...
Beam!! I'll get him back for leaving me alone with Ming yet again to go and flirt with girls.
I stretch and get out of bed to wash and dress.

After I'm finally dressed, I randomly choose a long sleeve top and some trousers. I stand in front of the mirror styling my hair so it no longer sticking up everywhere.
I look at myself for a moment. Ming was right there's nothing good about me. I'm short and my dimples making me look "cute". So people have said. Earning me my nickname KitKat.
I pull myself away from my reflection. I can't look anymore. I grab my wallet and phone from the side and go to the door sliding on some shoes before exiting my room. I need some fresh air.

I've shut my door and I sigh. Forget everything Kit and just be yourself. I check my phone. 9:39AM not as late as I thought. Missed calls from Beam last night and Ming this morning ... Both are not unexpected. There are messages from both too. But from during the night nothing.
First messages are Ming's after I stopped messaging last night there are texts asking whether I've fallen asleep or ignoring him and then one saying 'Sleep well my KitKat' I roll my eyes. Maybe in time I'd get use to Ming being this way with me.
Strangely it was Beams messages worrying me more. I scroll through them. He must have got drunk last night. I can barely understand some. Though I get the general idea. He took some girls for a drink. They ditched him for some other guys. So he got wasted? That's seems strange from him. Lately he's not had much luck with the girls. I haven't helped I guess but I don't see why he got drink.

I put my phone away. I decide to head towards Beam's room. We live in the same building. I had no intended destination when I exited my room anyway.
I knock on the door. I wait. I think I hear something falling possibly breaking but the doors opens and it's obvious I've either woken him up or his eyes are sensitive to light today.
'Kit! why so early?' He asks hand brushing his bed hair out of his face.
'It's actually...' I say as he yawns into his hands before complain if a headache.
'Nevermind. What the hell happened to you last night?' I question him.
'Kit... I really don't feel good. I drank too much and now I feel terrible. Simple'
'Well take some medicine and rest I guess'. I tell him annoyed that I can't have a go at him for leaving me with Ming yesterday when he's in this state.
He just nods. I think he might throw any second now..
'Go back to bed Beam. I will be back later and don't think your forgiven for ditching me yesterday either'.
He waves me off and quickly shuts the door. Probably to go to throw up..

Serves him right I grin. I check my phone once more nothing new. Pha's probably busy with Yo and well that just leaves Ming and I can't face him yet.
I decide to go buy some breakfast. Slightly late. Usually I wake up early. So I'm hungry now even after eating so much last night which Ming payed for as agreed. Shame Ming's not around to pay for me to eat again this morning. I make my way downstairs and out into the open air.
I walk towards the stall I know sells waffles.. I really fancy something sweet. Though I'll have to go to the gym later to work it off. But that'll be a great distraction.
Luckily it's a nice day and not too busy so I queue up at the stall. Only a couple people are waiting. While waiting I check my wallet to make sure I have enough and put it away again for the moment. When I feel a presence behind me and next there's tap on my shoulder. Do I dare to turn around?...
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Thanks for reading!!
Please let me know what you think. If I should continue!
Don't worry I haven't forgotten Forth... I just didn't see a lot of contact between him and Kit to include him at this point x

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon