Chapter 14

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I'm afraid this one is a bit boring but we're building up to the end now.
The next chapter will be the last.
I'm not exactly sure when I'll bring it too you as I'm working this weekend and going on holiday Monday 🙈

Please be patient 💕

Kit POV only



I am annoyed Beam read my messages. But then he didn't think I had anything to hide. I don't even know what I'm gaining from hiding our relationship status anymore. Yes I have my insecurities but it's something I'm just going to have to face up to if I want to be with Ming.
I sigh. Beams looking at me waiting for my response.
'I was going to tell you... when I'm ready'. Which is true I just didn't know when that would of exactly been. I guess it's easier in a way Beam found out like this.
'Kit!...' he's slightly stunned probably more because I haven't told him and obviously excited.
'You spoke to Ming? You told him how you feel? How? When?'.
'Beam calm down. I didn't say because you'd get all excited and over the top like this'. I pause and he calms down slightly. 'When I... kissed him that time I told you about. We agreed then... To date. Though I still found it hard to say how I felt. I think it's getting easier for me. I've said the....'L' word even'. The 'L' bit of that sentence I said hushed. I hadn't planned on saying any of this. So I'm surprised I'm managing to explain myself. But it does feel good to talk to someone about it.
'Eiii! Our Kit finally admitting he's fallen in love'. He's grinning. 'Why hide your relationship still?'.
'I err guess I'm still a little nervous about people's reactions to us'.
'Kit!! How many times do I have to say... Who cares? Your happy your with Ming right?'
I don't need to think I just nod.
'Then don't be afraid to show it. You can't be happy like this. That lunch the other day. That was after the Kiss right? You both looked miserable. Ming managed to hide it more but I could see his glances in your direction. His worry of your reaction over those girls. It's obvious how much he loves you. But because you don't show it you both are unhappy'.
'I am trying Beam'. I say.
'Don't try and don't think about it just be yourself. Invite him Saturday!' We then spot Pha and Yo walking in and we wave them over. 'Be yourselves' Beam quickly adds before we greet them and they sit with us.
After we ordered I check my phone which I got back from Beam.
Ming hadn't replied again. I start typing.
'Everyone's going to see those lights you were on about before this Saturday'. I send. Then quickly type a second message. 'Come see them too? With me'
Our food soon arrives and we all dig in.

After we've eaten Pha drives Yo home and I go with Beam. He had also been a bit quiet at dinner since Forth's not around. Also he hadn't discussed my news. So we are quiet again in the car.
My phone alerts me to a message. I take out my phone and open it.
'I'd love to KitKat!!... I have a family thing during the day first but I'll definitely be there after. It can be our first official date!!  M xx' He's excited by the sound of things.
It sounds weird but I guess it's true. Beam even said it's meant to be a romantic setting. Could I really be comfortable with this. I got a couple of days to think and prepare. I try not to worry right now. I'm more worried about me worrying. I laugh to myself. I just want to be with him it doesn't have to be hard.
'Ming wants to come Saturday'. I tell Beam.
'Good. Maybe the romantic setting will release you from you fears. Set your feelings free. He could draw you in with that gaze of his, caress you face and kiss...
'BEAM!!... Shut up! You've been away from Forth for too long'.
He laughs. 'Seriously though. Don't hide it much longer Kit. It's not good for either of you'.
I go back to my phone. I know Beams right. I message Ming.
'When do you get back? Will I see you before going Saturday?'  I would like to see him before hand. To talk about me trying to be my true self with him. Our true selves. Maybe he can help me along the way. Keep me calm and reassure me.
'Hopefully if we get back in good time... But I can't promise... I just want to see you x' I feel disappointed.
'So do I'. I send back.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now