Chapter 2

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Sorry there wasn't much Ming/Kit interaction in the first bit... There will be more... I don't just want to get them together quickly it's more about the chase 😂
Hopefully this chapter is better... Tell me what you think... if it's not so popular I will end it quicker and start a new story xD



I turn and yes my favourite person is stood right behind me. That's sarcasm by the way. I jerk away from him and he just grins wildly.
'Do you follow me everywhere?' I ask, feeling more annoyed by the second.
'I'd like to say yes' Ming replies bringing his hand to his face as if he's thinking. 'But truthfully I was just walking by when I saw you' he smiles flashing his eyes at me.
'Bullshit' I reply and turn away to move forward in the line.

He takes a step forward following me before speaking again.
'Buying breakfast or a snack? It's getting kind of late for breakfast'.
'I slept in.' I retort. Not looking back at him. It was silent between us for a while. It's then my turn to order so I ask for what I want and wait for my food to be made.
'I see why you missed my call this morning then. Getting your beauty sleep'. I hear from behind me 'That's good thing for my cute Kitkat'.
I turn in annoyance. Anybody could have heard him. And you can imagine his face.

I was about to speak when the stall holder called me for my order. He handed me two packs and I was confused. "Sir I only ordered 1".
He pointed to a sign it was a special offer on today. Great just what I need I'll certainly get fat now. I nod and dig out my wallet to find the money.
Before I knew it Ming and stepped forward and paid for me and thanked the stall holder. He turned to me.
'I spend all my money on feeding you' he laughs. I'm more surprised then anything. And I just stare at him. He has that cute look on his face.
Wait! What the hell did I just... I shake my head and began to turn away before remembering I still had 2 waffles in my hand.

I turn back and hand one out to Ming...
'You're giving me one?' He asks confused by my gesture.
'Well I can't eat both... I'll get fat'... 'Don't think of it as anything more' I warn him. He takes it from my hand there was almost skin contact and I had to let go quickly and turn away taking a couple steps increasing the distance from Ming. Why did I freak out over that!
'Aww Kitkat!' I hear behind me and I sneak a look behind me to see if he's following me. He had.
'Little gesture like this' he points to his food. 'Gives me hopes' he smiles.
I facing him again now. 'Hopes for what?'
'That you do care for me and maybe in time you'll....' he pauses. He looks into my eyes and i couldn't break away from his gaze.

'Nevermind' he grins... ' he walks closer to me once more and stops right to the side of me I'm too busy sending him warning signals with my eyes for me to then notice where his arm is. It's across me stomach resting on my hip. He leans his face closer
to mine. I'm frozen.
'Thanks again my KitKat'. He smiles before walking off his hand brushing across me before I'm out of his reach.

I snap out of it.
'You idiot...' I shout to him as he's walking off 'you brought it'. He spins back my direction and just waves still grinning and turns away once more not looking back again.

Wonder where he's off to I think. Though why should I care. It's strange he just leaves. Normally it's a battle to get away from him. I go sit down at a bench I find and nibble on my food.
I'm not feeling that hungry anymore. After last night and all the fuss he's made of gaining my acceptance of him chasing me. Not that I gave it... nor rejected it either. I wonder why he'd just walk away from me so easily. Surely if your chasing someone you'd spend as much time with that person as one could.
I think this over still eating slowly. Wait! I'm annoyed he just walked off! Does that mean I wanted to spend time with him. That's crazy I shake my head. I left my room to forget these thoughts and thanks to my run in with Ming I'm back where I started this morning.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now