Chapter 15

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Sorry it's been a bit of  wait for this last part...
I say last part... if you fancy another 'bonus' part please show me your love. xD
Thanks again for following this story and waiting for this part.



I spin around and see Ming rushing over to me from the direction of the display. So my boyfriend is in the world of the living... for now.
He reaches me breathing heavy. 'Kit I was looking everywhere for you! We were all worried you had walked off and gotten lost or had left somehow'. He finally calms his breathing. He looked worried. He better be worried to face me in this mood. Which was beginning to settle while lost in thought staring at the stupid tree.
'We were worried?' I ask remembering the plural he used. But I don't wait for his answer. I don't care. 'What right do you have to be worried about me? We agree to tell our friends we're in a relationship alongside being in public together and you stop contact with me for nearly two days. No messages no calls. You don't arrange to come here tonight with me after saying you wanted to come.  I have every right to be angry with you. So why...'.
'Kit stop'. He interrupts. He tries to take my hand but I pull it quickly back away. 'I'm sorry Kit....I..'.
'Course you are!'. I interrupt this time.
'Kit just listen'. He pauses. 'I didn't text you back at first because.... well I wanted to give you time to make sure your definitely ready to be with me in public. But more so I was worried you'd change your mind. I didn't want to hear that'.
I would feel bad for him if I wasn't in such a mood. But doesn't nearly explain half of what's going on.
'Well... Is that all?' Still sounding clearly angry.
'I decided to text you in the end but it was during the tour, my teacher spotted me and took my phone. I didn't even get a chance to send it. By then I figured you'd have started to get pretty angry with me so I decided to just make it up to you'.
So how is he going to make it up to me exactly? I wonder. That was a pretty stupid move to text in front of a teacher.
'You decide to make it up to me? Yet you still don't message me. You were given you phone back right?'.
'I was. But I wanted to show you... Just come with me I'll show you'. He says trying to urge me in the direction of some loosely packed trees to the side of the park.
'Why should I?' I snap still annoyed that I don't completely understand what's going on.
He moves close to me. He catches my eyes with his. 'I'm sorry Kit... I'll explain it all. Please come'. He pauses before adding' I love you'. He's suddenly kisses me. I'm still confused and angry but my strong feelings for him and the fact I missed him I don't reject the kiss.
Ming soon pulls away and that's when I notice people are walking by. They do look but soon go back to their own business. I can't believe it. I wasn't thinking. The mix of my anger, confusion and love for Ming meant I had completely forgotten our current location.
Ming smiles. It's reassuring. My mood is slowly settling though I still don't know completely what's going on. But I know he loves me so I decide to go along with it.
'What do you want to show me?' Maybe it'll help me understand more. He try's to take my hand again. But I'm still not quite there yet so I pull it back.
He walks a little in front of me it's getting even darker as we head in amongst the tree's.
After a short moment I see in the distance, I can't tell how far away there's a faint orange flickering light.
Ming stops. 'That way'. He guides me around him so I'm now in front. I start walking towards it. As I assume I'm supposed to do.
After nearly stumbling over a couple of roots I finally make out what the lights are.
A hundred or so little tea light candles set on the ground lighting the little patch of grass amongst the trees we are now in. What are they doing here? Who put them out here?
You can still just see the lights of the display dulled from being amongst the trees to one side. Stars are shining dull in the sky. But apart from that the candles are all that lights the area.
The candles surround what looks like picnic. I walk closer. I see figures on the other side I can't make out how many.
I now worry I'm interrupting someone's romantic picnic. But Ming told me to come this way. Surely he would have known someone was picnicking her and avoided it.
It's a beautiful scene the candles around a blanket laid out with what looks from this distance a variety of foods. It instantly makes me feel hungry. Whoever this is for they are very lucky.
Ming is now right behind me. He'd placed a hand on the small of my back.
'Shall we go around... Better not interrupt'.  I say before I hear someone calling.
'Aye Ming... That you over there?'.
Ming walks over to the picnic and the figures. I follow behind.
'You found him then'. Says a familiar voice. 'That's a relief'.
Closer to the candle light I  now see the figures are actually my friends. It's Beam I heard calling.
'Yes I have. Thank you for helping me look'.   says Ming. Seems like there was a search party for me. I still would like to understand what's happening.
Ming's now stood with the others. I stand back a little staring at the food. I don't pay attention to what they say next.
When it goes quiet my curiosity wins out.
'Who made the picnic? Someone's very lucky to have such a romantic setting made for them'. I ask.
Everyone staring at me. Is there something I'm missing?
'I made it all... For you Kit' Says Ming completely serious. I'm speechless. I look around again at the layout.His silence was spent planning  this for me. This is all for me!
He walks back to me and lightly places his hand on my face turning me to face him.
'I love you Kit. I'm sorry for being an idiot. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me' he pulls me in and kisses me.
I hear whoops and cheers from the others behind us. It wasn't a long kiss. I barely had time to respond. I didn't stop him. The fact my friend are watching doesn't even bother me maybe it's still the shock.
'Now will you all leave my boyfriend and me to our picnic'. I hear say Ming say now obviously directed at the others present. I guess they all know now if it wasn't obvious already. I'm happy it's finally out and there's nothing to hide anymore. I don't feel pressured anymore.
'But there's so much food. You can't eat it all. Oh and you owe me...' says Beam jokingly to Ming. 'Getting Kit to come here no matter what in that mood was a challenge to say the least'.
'Wait! What?..' This is why Beam insisted for me to come. But then he must of heard from Ming before me. I had turned and directed my question to Beam. 'You knew what was going on?'.
'Aye Kit!! I was just told to get you here. I didn't know it was this until we realised you'd disappeared and Ming showed us where to bring you if we found you'.
'Kit it's true all I asked of Beam was to make sure you came along so I could find you and surprise you. I thought you wouldn't have eaten in the mood you were probably in so I brought along all this... So...' he had turned to face me. 'Do you forgive me?'
I sigh. He maybe an idiot. But he's my idiot. Worrying about me changing my mind and delaying messaging me just to surprise me. But this surprise is certainly something.
I nod and he responds with the biggest grin before pulling me for another kiss. I respond this time.
After we pull away from one another we turn and stare at our friends still standing watching us.
'Ok ok we get the hint' says Beam. 'Make sure you get him home safe. We are leaving you too it'. He grins and turns around and heads off with the others back to the display.
I turn and give Ming a quick look before going over to the picnic and I start to pick at food Ming had laid out. He soon joins me. But he just stares at me and doesn't eat. I pause too.
'What is it?' I ask.
'I just can't believe your actually mine'. He says with admiration.
'You certainly were persistent'. I respond.
'No' he sighs 'I had given up remember and in doing so hurt you'.
'But I guess that made me realise what I felt for you'.
'Which is...?'. He urges me on.
I roll my eyes at him. 'You already know'. I go back to eating and his picks at something too.
After a short time I notice he's staring again. He speaks before I have time to ask.
'You are mine. When we go back to yours' he's grinning now. 'After this I'll show you how mine you are'. I panic. He could only mean one thing surely.
'Aye! You make you make such a setting and ruin it with saying that'.
He suddenly pounced on me a fall back onto the ground and he's on top of me.
'Aye Ming!' I try to push him off but I can't.
'Kit you couldn't stop me if I tried'. He had lessened his weight on me and I push him over to the side Ming rolling off me onto the ground himself now. I sat up and look down at him. 'Your lucky I can control myself'. He chuckles. It's slightly annoyingly why does he always seem to lead things between us. Why can't I?
I lean over him and stare into his eyes. He soon stops chuckling and I lean down and kiss him with quick light kisses. He tries to wrap his arms around me but I pause the kisses to catch them and hold them down either side of his head and smirk myself now. He has some shock on his face. But I can't also see his excitement and amusement too. I lean back down and give him a couple more slow kisses. His eyes close at them.
'Your not the only one of us who can tease'. I let go of my grip and turn back to the food.

After we had finished eating we packed up together and walked back to Ming's car which was parked slightly down the street from the park so I wouldn't have seen it when turning up with Beam. Ming drives me home. He parked up outside and we get out. He locks the car and follows me to my room.
I unlock the door and step inside. I turn back and see Ming stood still outside of my room looking down at the ground.
It's an awkward silence that follows and I try to break it.
'I guess you can keep my spare key for now. Just don't sneak in when I'm not expecting you'.
He just smirks. 'Sure'.
What's wrong with him now he's too quiet and normally he'd just walk into my room and now he's just stood there.
'You can come in'. I say. But he shakes his head. Now I'm confused. I take his hand and urge him to come in.
However he uses this against me he somehow takes a grip on the arm I was pulling him in with and he had pinned me against the wall.
The door shuts with a bang beside me. He'd kicked it shut. Now I realise the expression on his face. I see want and need. I feel a little nervous. What he really going to do as he said during the picnic.
'Kit...' he moves his body so it's rubbing against my lower half. I start to heat up. I guess I should have known. This is Ming. He usually gets what he wants from me. 'I love you Kit.. Please let me have you'.
I'm more nervous then I have ever been now but somehow... I nod in response.


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Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/Kitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें