Chapter 4

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I think this chapter was almost the death of me. I was dreading writing it and it took most of the day but here it finally is..

We are back to Kits POV only this time. Sorry... if you liked Ming's POV last time. I will write his POV again at some point.
Kits thoughts are central in this chapter. Which I apologise for in advance for if you find it not as interesting or if you just simply don't enjoy this chapter as much as the last. 🙈


I woke up early this morning I'm still tired but I didn't have the option to sleep in today. However yesterday I again had slept too well and woke up late. Only once I realised I had company the previous evening did I bolt up checking my bed and the rest of my room for Ming. He had left though. My initial fear faded. I wondered when he left. I noticed he'd even tidied up.
I know I was tired but it's strange for me to think how easily I let down all my barriers to even fall asleep next him. What if he... I shake my head and that silly thought away.

Thinking about everything that happened I realised I was feeling annoyed with myself. Things I said I wouldn't of dreamed I would say. My reactions too were so different from my normal behaviour. What could he possibly be thinking about it all. I told him I don't know how I'm feeling but maybe I misled him after I ended up being so comfortable around him yesterday. I didn't know I could be. Though we were shut in my room away from people to worry about how i should or shouldn't be around him. Maybe I'm scared myself that we could be close like that so easily. Still now I'm worried he'll want to be closer to me in front of others and I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. That would certainly frustrate me, if my friends started assuming things and teasing me for it when I'm already so confused about my own feelings for him.
So I spent most of the day yesterday focused on studies in case of any tests springing up. But mainly because it kept my mind focused on something other then Ming too for the most part.

This morning Beam had come to my room to drive me to classes. I was very quiet on the way here. Beam however seemed to have things on his mind too and didn't question me. Strange.
I'm now sitting though classes trying to focus on studies once more. I mindlessly write notes because really my minds still on other things. Mainly being Ming. I had decided I should keep away from him if possible until my thoughts settle at least. That way no one would be assuming that we were getting closer to one another or something. Even if it happens or not.

I must of checked my phone more then a few times in class. Time was moving slowing and well Ming had been strangely silent since he left the other night which is good. I think. But somehow I wasn't quite so sure. Luckily the teacher didn't notice me checking my phone but Pha and Beam probably had. Ok maybe not Beam. He's still acting strange. Just staring off into space.

The class goes on and I let my mind wander one again. I did sleep unusually well that other night and in no way do I put it down to Ming being there. Though I begin to wonder. I don't really know how long he was there for. In contrast last night I couldn't clear my mind of thoughts and barely slept which is why I'm feeling tired as well as having to be up earlier for classes.

Pha whispers excitedly 'Yo might join us at lunch'. At least one of us is happy. For me this could be a problem. It's more then likely Ming will bring him here. Shit.
I'm nervous about seeing him again. What would I say ? How do I act? Will he be the annoying Ming we're use to. Or would be begin to show the calmer side of him I actually like. My friends would surely notice something if he's not teasing me and I'm not getting angry in return. So seeing him wouldn't help me one bit right now. I'm worried just thinking about it.


We'd sat though all our morning classes and now we're seated at a table outside eating lunch we brought from the canteen. I look around at my friends.
Pha still seemed to be the only one of us to be in a good mood. It's obvious why. He's constantly messaging on his phone.
I have no idea what's up with Beam. He's unnaturally silent and still too. Just staring off into space ignoring his lunch. Ignoring girls walking by!
I turn my attention back to my food and pick at it. I don't really have the appetite to eat. I'm worrying whether Ming will make an appearance. I don't know how long we sit like this before Pha speaks breaking the silence.
'Whats wrong with you two?'. I look up. He'd put his phone down and was finally paying attention to us.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora