Chapter 12

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Part 12 here :)

Just Kits POV this time.
Not enough of Ming to warrant his POV this time but I'm sure we can all imagine 🙈

Also more of Kit and Beams friendship this time too




After Ming left with Yo I went back to classes with Pha and soon Beam showed up again.
I listen to the teacher but I'm not really taking in anything. We have exams soon so this really isn't great for me. I hope the others are taking notes.
I actually feel pretty bad. Not as in ill. I feel bad about my behaviour at lunch. It's not like I can help how I feel. But then to almost ignore him completely was unfair. Afterwards he seemed ok with me. Pulling me back for the kiss even. But he was probably holding back disappointment or was getting annoyed with me. I want to work on it. It can't remains this way.

I get out my phone. I type 'Sorry for how I was before'. I send it to Ming. I'm a bad example send messages during class to a junior who's more then likely in class too. Even if said junior is my boyfriend.
My phone vibrates. I had set it on silent.
'We can work on things Kit. We have plenty of time M x'.
'I don't want you to be disappointed with me'. I reply back. Why can't things like this come easily to me? Maybe Ming will soon get fed up waiting. I try to shake that thought away.
'I love you. How could I be?'
'Easily with my issues! :/'.
'Nope. I won your heart Kit over time, next with my help you will become slowly comfortable with me where ever we are
I wish I didn't have to be over time. What if I could just go up to Ming and kiss him in front of anybody? What could possibly happen? A few stares? People thinking I'm gay? Name calling? Worse?!
I shake my head. I put my phone away I don't know how to respond. I guess it will be slowly. I sigh. Feeling disappointed with myself.

After class ends. Pha rushes off somewhere. He doesn't say where. Maybe to see Yo... So I'm left with Beam.
'Are you rushing to meet Forth too?' Not that Pha actually said he was seeing Yo that's me assuming'.
'I will be meeting him later'. He nods.
We're walking out of the building to his car.
'Isn't it weird for you? Being in a relationship with a guy? It's seems all so sudden?' I ask generally intrigued. Maybe to it hear about his experiences and feelings will help with my own.
'Hmmm, it was sudden. But when I looked beyond the fact Forth's a guy there's nothing strange about it. I simply fell for him. I'm not doing anything a couple in love wouldn't do'. How is it so easy?
'So it's not weird at all? Don't you care what people think?' We're at his car now.
He leans against one of the doors watching me.
'Why should I care?  I'm happy so is Forth. Things only seem weird if you have it in your mind that they are'. He pauses.
It really is about being happy and trying to forget everything else. Which I need to do. I certainly wasn't my happiest at lunch and that goes for Ming too. Though he hides it better.

'Has something more happened between Ming and you?'. Beam now asks. Do I say? Maybe Beam can help me he already knows more then anyone else. Except obviously Ming.
I sigh. I guess here goes nothing. I look to Beam and nod.
His reaction shows some shock but more concern for me. After my questioning he must know I have something troubling me.
'Jump in Kit. Let's grab a drink somewhere and talk'.
We get in Beams car and head up the street to a quite little café Beam likes to come to to relax or escape from the world or that's how he's puts as he drives. Soon we park up and get out.
It looks dull and dingy to me. Not a place I'd choose to have a drink. It's quiet however I notice as we go in.
After we go order and receive hot drinks we choose a table away from the few people who'd had dared enter here and sat down. It really was dull in here too. The furniture seemed old. I guess some would say vintage. And there is strange smell and foreign music playing. I guess talking here would at least be private.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now