Chapter 9

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Me again... Part 9 here !!

Sorry the first half is completely boring... but keep going... you'll thank me in the end 🙈😂

Kit POV and small Ming POV again....



I'm led down in a bed... I realise I had fainted but I don't really know where or how I got where I am now.
My eyesight clears. I can tell this is the first aid room so someone must have somehow managed to carry me here.
After a short time the rest of the dizziness fades away and just the confusion of what happened after I blacked out remains. I look around. Someone's sat in the chair next to the bed I'm on. It's Ming.
Did he bring me here? I remember he'd asked if I was ok before I fainted. So it's possible.
But wait! Does this mean now he's not staying away after all? I can barely think about this right now. I try not too. But I still cant help but think... He's just here because he probably feels bad that I'm in a state. Not because he's in Love with me. If he still is.

I was expecting the questioning. But I didn't want to worry him further or make him think it's his fault that I've gotten into this state, so I avoid most of them. It's not his fault though. It's mine for not realising before it was too late what my feelings were. Now it doesn't matter whether I understand them or not because he walked away.
But right now it feels like he still cares. Which is against what I thought he was going to do. When he walked away I thought he would stop caring or worrying about me so much. He had stayed away the whole time I locked myself in my room so why start again now? I feel myself becoming upset again thinking about it all.
I gave in and ask why he suddenly seems to care again. He says he hadn't stopped. But I retort that he wants to. I wasn't watching his expression. But when he doesn't deny it sadness washes over me. The look we then share almost kills me inside. Theres a horrible pain in my chest. I didn't want him to give up on me. I didn't want him to stop caring about me. I don't know how I manage to so say it. Where my bravery came from. I blurt it out. 'Don't... Please don't... give up on me'.

I had ran away after, though my energy levels were still not great and I didn't get that far. Only out of the building and I hide around one of the side walls. Though I can barely call it hiding. I was half in shock I said that to him myself and I did not want to stick around to see his reaction. Though I don't regret saying it. I just wasn't ready to face it. Like I could tell him. Yes I have feelings for you. No I don't understand why.
How would he have reacted? What might of happened next? All things that scare me but slightly more now intrigue me too.
But then I think. What if he has realised? He could easily work out that I told him not to give up on me because I do in fact have feelings for him. There's surely no other reason why anyone would tell someone not to give up on them. Plus the way I've been since he's told me he was backing off. It's completely obvious really. What could he be thinking? My heart is beating so fast now. He must know. I try to calm down taking slow breathes.
I have no idea what will happen between us now.

I'm leaning up against the outside wall trying to slowly calm down.
Once my heart beat settles and I try to forget Ming for a second I check my phone. I see the time. I had missed the start of my next class and I didn't feel like facing the embarrassment of walking in late even if I had a medical reason. I'm still feeling too drained to sit though class anyway.  So I decide to skip class again. Like one more would hurt. I put my phone back away.
My stomach was growling I really need go eat something and actually eat it this time. So I begin to walk away from campus.

A little way down the road my phone goes off. A message. I pull out my phone.  It's from Ming. 'Where are you?!'
I almost don't reply. But he'll probably just keep messaging me until I reply since he knows I'm not feeling my best but maybe it's because he wants to question me about what just happened. As in what I just said. Not that I feel up to it yet.
'I'm fine' I reply ignoring the actual question he asked.  Hoping he'll be happy enough knowing I'm ok and that all he's worried about rather then my other idea. But that's seems unlikely.
I put my phone away. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going but I know I want to eat and I know there's restaurants and food stalls this way.
My phone again. This time it read. 'No, where are you Kit?!'
He won't quit messaging now I'm sure. I need time to clear my head though, but I reply once again.
'Getting food'... was all I typed back. I barely put my phone away before it went off once more'.
'Where?!!!' I really can't see him right now so I ignore it this time. I slowly walk a little further still not feeling my strongest and my phone rings. I ignore it. My phone goes off a couple more times before it goes silent. I sigh in relief. Maybe he has given up. But something stops me walking and lean up against a post I'm stood near. Maybe he really has realised what's going on with me. Why else does he want to know where I am so badly after he was meant to be staying away. But if so why did he suddenly stop messaging.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now