Chapter 5

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So much for taking a break 🙈
Here is part 5....Kit and Ming's POV's this time

After the last chapter where I think I had all 6 boys included 😂 this is mostly Ming and Kit.
        Sorry 🙈 they'll be back next chapter.




I'm sat outside my campus building at a table alone. I'm not sure how long I've now been sat here waiting I guess it wasn't that long ago since classes finished for the day. But it's felt like ages. Pha was in a rush to take Yo to dinner. I didn't want to upset his plans and get him to take me home after Ming had already offered to do so. I'm therefore sat here waiting for Ming to arrive. He'd texted saying he would be a little late during my last class. But that's all I've heard of him.

Not many people were still on my campus now. It's late and I yawn. I feel more tired then ever. It really was a long day.
After Ming left  with Yo at Lunch Pha had come back to the table I was at. He'd questioned me over what happened with Ming. He'd heard my outburst, when I'd accidentally said Ming's name too loud. Also he says he and others around us noticed when I was trying to get away from Ming and he was holding me back. I didn't care anymore. All people would have seen was friends arguing. Ming touching my cheek was never brought up. So more then likely no one was paying attention before I caused the fuss.
I had simply told Pha he'd pissed me off again and wouldn't explain further. Though truthfully it was my own embarrassment making me react. In no way was I going to admit that to him. Thinking about it though I couldn't even remember the last time Ming had been the true reason I've kicked off. Its all come from me. I don't hate Ming. Pha was right. Rather I'm scared about what i could or am feeling which I don't understand yet.

My minds been such a mess I these last couple of days. But now I just feel numb. I'm lost within myself don't know who I am most of the time anymore. I should be worrying about Ming, when was he going to turn up and get me home but I'm not even checking my phone. I'm just sitting here doing nothing.
I'm completely zoned out when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. 'Oh' I say coming back to reality. 'Your here'. I don't reacted to the contact.
'I called your name twice but you didn't hear me' says Ming sitting next right to me. He'd moved hand off my shoulder now. I remain quiet.
He's then touching my forehead like he's checking my temperature.
I sigh. 'I'm tired Ming not ill'.
'Well you haven't seemed yourself today'. He had took his back hand down. Well I barely know myself right now. Exhausted or not.
'Sorry again about lunch.. I think I understand what happened. I didn't mean to em...'.
'Forget it'. I interrupt... 'I have'. I don't need reminding.
'Right' says Ming. 'So your not angry with me'.
'I'd have made Pha take me home if i was'. I see him grin. His hands then around my wrist. I'm too tired nor in the right frame of mind to fight it but I'm not actually bothered by it.
'Let's go then'. He gets up pulls me up using his hold on my wrist when I'm up he lets go and I walk beside him to the familiar white 4x4 in silence.
He unlocks the car and follows me to the passenger side opening the door for me.
I get in without complaint. I put on my seatbelt and lean my head again the window. He gets in his side of the car.
'I know your too tired to go eat somewhere. But since you didn't eat at lunch I'll pop by somewhere and grab something for you to eat in your room'.
I just nod. I don't know whether I will eat but I suppose I should try. I know he saw at lunch that I didn't eat it makes me happy to think he's cared enough to remember and offer to but me food yet again. But i don't show show it.

I must of drifted of because before I know it Ming is waking me up and we are parked outside my apartment block.
'Have a nice "kat-nap"?'. He's says smiling.
I rub my eyes and the sleep away though I'm still tired.
'I told you I didn't sleep last night'. I reply. Stretching out trying to wake myself up.
'Were you missing me?' That's certainly wakes me up. I turn and see his smirk 'Joke.... sorry. Though you were sleeping  well when I left the other night..... Last night you didn't sleep now your sleeping in my car'.
'You being around makes no difference whether I sleep or not. I was just tired'. I look away staring out the window. But now I think about things again being around him the other night had stopped me thinking so much so I felt comfortable and could fall sleep.
Lunch was only uncomfortable for me because I had no idea how Ming was going to be with me and in public. Now I seem comfortable around him again I even had fallen asleep in his company for a second time. Maybe I was just that tired.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now