Chapter 10

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Finally I've finished this part after initially deleting half of the first draft!!!

I'll probably finish this story soon. I'm going on holiday soon and would rather finish it then leave you all hanging on for a week....
but we shall see

Kit and Ming POV's



After everything that's happened recently I had just wanted to come home and relax after Ming took me to eat. But of course Ming wanted to talk. Which led to have the conversation we just had. Though it was very one sided.
I don't know why I just couldn't say it to his face that I have feelings for him. It frustrated me. In his eyes I could see his hopes for me which I could not dash once again. He couldn't take being rejected again and I can't hide my feelings anymore. I like Ming and maybe I don't need to understand why. Maybe I just do. I can't say it but I certainly show it. I kiss him.

I feel our lips slowly move together. My eyes shut. Our hands stay on one another's faces keeping them pulled together for the few seconds this the kiss lasts. I surprisingly don't find it strange kissing another guy. All I feel is happiness inside.
We break apart slightly and I slowly open my eyes his are open too. Not dropping our hands we share a look that says we're both completely happy with what we just did. It's I think more for Ming's reassurance then my own.
We then pull each other back into another kiss. This one more forceful then the first. My hearts racing but now for an entirely new reason. Our lips stay together much longer then the first kiss so I try to catch little breaths when I can between kisses.

I'm feeling so calm despite my racing heartbeat and considering I started this! Though I barely knew what I was doing to begin with. The only small worry I have now is whether in fact I'm kissing him right... If there's even a wrong way to kiss. It's silly I know. But I don't have much experience. Right now though I'm just lost in this wash of happiness between us. I copy movements I feel Ming makes with his lips to help me along.
With this more forceful kissing and my racing heart I soon need to break away to catch and steady my breathing so I pull away slightly for a moment our hands drop away and Ming moans slightly at my need to break our kiss.
I chuckle. I don't think ever I've felt this happy. To let loose these feelings. It's feels like a unknown weights been lifted of me. The look we share is one of pure emotional bliss. It's pulls us together once again. Slower kisses again now. I feel his hands at my waist now holding me to him. We are lost in our own world that we don't want to escape from. Until I feel his hand brush skin under my top. I'm suddenly brought back to reality. What if he actually wants to go further? I break the kiss and back off a bit in shock to his touch.

I look to see his reaction.
'Sorry!... Kit I wasn't going to...' Did he read my thoughts? But can see he's panicking. 'I mean I just wanted to touch you, feel your skin in my touch. Not do anything else I swear..'
'It's ok...' I say surprising myself. I guess I really do trust and believe in him. I feel slightly shy again because well... I kissed him first and we both know I didn't regret it. 'Sorry... I err guess I started it. We're both slowly getting carried away'. I pause 'I'm not ready for...' I can't say the word. I'm barely use to kissing Ming let alone anything more.
'Kit you don't have to be sorry for anything. I didn't expect you to be. I didn't expect anything. I just hoped you would tell me the truth about your feeling for me'. He pauses 'I'm so happy...
'Like I can't tell with that massive grin all over your face'. He was grinning again now and I don't think he'll stop any time soon. But it only adds to my own happiness... 'Me too' I add.

'Kit... Why did you let me walk away from you if it was going to upset you enough to make yourself ill? I mean...' he adds. You must have have known your feelings by then. You don't easily fall in love like others. So I couldn't have just suddenly won your heart that quickly'.
I sigh. 'You know I've been feeling confused for a while Ming. I couldn't understand why I was feeling like I was. I'm a guy and so are you. I never imagined to fall for you. I still don't understand it'.
'Kit this is not something people can always understand or figure out. It just happens. When you start to feel something for another it may either grow while you get to know the person if your or it may fade'.
'I suppose so. But it's still all new to me'. I say. Happy I'm feeling comfortable to speak my mind.
'It's new to me too Kit'. I didn't really think of that. He's been so confident in his pursuit of me I seemed to forget the this kind of relationship is in fact new for both of us. The question is now. What is next? I'm about to be brave again.

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now