1 year on...

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So I decided I wasn't happy with how I ended it this and so I bring you this add on


---- 1 year on...---


That was the story of Ming and myself. It has been a year now and we are still together. I however have graduated and have started training to work in hospitals. Ming is still at studying engineering. Soon to graduate himself.
Even though I'm busier outside of my work I'm usually alway with my boyfriend. I'd moved into my own apartment and though he hasn't officially moved in Ming is staying here more than his own room.

Ming's family calmed down after a short time. When Ming took me to meet them for a family lunch which was so daunting at first I finally got to meet them. They welcomed me like another family member and accepted our relationship. Ming believes it was more the shock they had to get over rather then any prejudice. They are quite modern and open minded people. They were more relieved. After their son dated a string of girls that they weren't best happy about.  He was now settled and happy. So they were happy for him. Even if it was a shock how Ming was suddenly announcing he was interested in another guy.
When we are together though it's obvious how happy we are. We are constantly smiling and laughing. The grumpy moody Kit seems a distant memory now. All that that was left was to tell my family.

One weekend I called my family and was invited to a dinner. I had planned to tell them over the phone but it didn't feel right. No matter how they react I was going to have to face them at some point. Maybe if they see me with Ming they'll see how serious we are.

So I inform my parents I was bringing someone to meet them. I guess they would assume I meant a girl. But they seemed excited. They tell me my brother was going to be there too which I begin to get nervous about. But I can't back out.
On the day Ming drives us there. Me shaking slightly with nerves. He pulls up outside and turns the car off. He places a hand on my face gently.
'Kit.. It will be fine'. He smiles and kisses me. A gentle kiss that didn't last too long. He pulls away. I sigh and nod before getting out the car. My parents house is quite grand they don't have a lack of money. They have decent jobs but they always put family first. They should understand .

We walked up to the door and my mum opens it and she smiles seeing me. Then see looks to Ming. She has a confused look.
'Kit! It's good you made it. I thought...' she says again looking to Ming.
Ming greets her with the usual bow. 'It's good to meet Kit's family finally. I'm Mingkwan but Ming is fine'. He grins to her.
She smiles back. 'Oh sorry Ming, welcome. When Kit said he was bringing someone I assumed he meant a girlfriend. But come on in it's good to meet another of Kit's friends'. I don't correct her yet.
We go in and I greet other family member's with Ming. My brothers here. He's automatically suspicious and sends glances Ming's way when he gets too close to me. But we are so use to it we remind ourselves that the know yet know about us.

Just before dinner I dragged Ming to a quite spot in the house.
'I don't think I can do this. They are all so happy and I'm going to ruin it I know it'. I say panicking.
Ming again calms me. He takes hold of my face. 'Kit it's ok they are all people that love you. It might or might not take time but they'll understand and accept you for who you are'.
I nod. He then adds 'I'm going to be beside you ok... I love you'.
'You what?'.  I turn. It's my brother. I instantly panic. 'I was told to bring you in as the foods ready and walk into this. Who the hell is this guy Kit? Why is he saying sick things like that?'
'Sick?' I question him without even thinking. I look to Ming and take his hand.  We share a glance before I look back to my brother. The realisation on his face.

After that things got a bit crazy. My brother tried to kick Ming out of the house. Alerting everyone else to the situation. They stop and question my brother what he was doing. He explains saying that Ming was a pervert and he had brainwashed me. He needed to get out.
I then blurted out that he hasn't done anything to me. I had simply fallen in love with him. Everyone was in shock. But a massive weight lifted of me. Even though I was still about about their reactions.
My brother left soon after. My parents calmed down though so Ming and I faced them together. We explained everything. They listened. Like with Ming's parents they were shocked. But they didn't reject us.

Overtime they got use to us being together. We regularly see both families. My brothers still not exactly happy about it. But I never expected him to be.
My phone rings. Bringing me out of my thoughts. It's Ming he was treating me to a meal tonight. After working all day I needed it. I had washed and changed. He told me to dress smart so I did.
He tells me he's outside so I leave my room and find him in his car outside.

He's drives off but we aren't heading towards any restaurants.
When I question where he's going he just tells me to wait and see. I sigh and sit back.
We arrive at a beach, he parks up and gets out. I get out too. He goes to the cars boots and reveals a picnic.
I feel silly now for dressing up for a evening picnic. He was dressed up too I don't understand why.
I explore the beach while he sets up. It's warm evening with no clouds in the sky. Slowly they stars were coming out. I watch them and the waves of the ocean.
I turn back to see Ming with a blanket spread out with a selection of food and again like his previous picnic he set up for me he has tea-light candles lit up here and there. I walk back over to him.
'You like your candles'. I chuckle and sit next to him. He just smiles and tells me to eat.

After we eat we lie next to each other staring up at the stars.
'Can we stay like this forever?'. Ming says.
'I don't think so'. I chuckle again 'But it is lovely, thank you'.
'Kit' he soon speaks again. 'We can be together forever though, right?'
'Yes we can'. I reply. He sits up suddenly. I sit up slightly too and watch what he's doing. He retrieves a box from his pocket.
He turns back to me and offers me the box. It's a small black velvet jewellery box. I open it to find two silver bands. I'm in shock.
'So... do you promise to be with me and only me forever officially?'.
'Promise rings?'. He's nods. I take one of them out and place it on my finger.
'I guess so' I joke earning me a playful slap from Ming.
He takes the box from me and puts his own ring on.
He takes my hand with the ring on and intertwines it with his hand also with his ring on.
'I love you more than anything Kit' says Ming before he kisses me.


---- 1 year on...----

Maybe in time... fanfic 2moons series Ming/KitWhere stories live. Discover now