Chapter 13

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Sorry.. I've been busy but finally here's another part for you...

Kit POV only



Once again my alarm brings me around from sleep. I don't want to wake up. It's so warm and cosy.
I'm still wrapped in Ming's arms. It's where I'd like to stay. The alarms hurting my head though so I peel away his arms and escape earning me a disappointed grown from him. He then rolls over pulls covers over his head.
I grab my phone and stop the alarm. It's morning and it's too bright in my room so I have to rub my eyes to adjust them.
I have classes today so we need to get up but seeing as we both went to sleep late after our heated activity we are both reluctant it seems. I'm still surprised over what I let happen last night. However I don't regret it. It actually felt good. Though it wasn't actually sex what we did. Which gets me thinking about if we did ever do it. Who would...? I quickly shake my head ridding that thought. It's way to early for thoughts like that.
I stretch my arms up trying to wake myself up more. Before looking back around to Ming. Who doesn't seem to be getting up at all. Surely he has classes too.

'Aye Ming! Get up!'.
I grab the covers and pull them completely away earning myself a second groan. He hadn't bothered to put his top back on, like I haven't. However we both had pulled up our lower half of clothing at some point. I don't remember doing it. I had quickly fallen asleep.
'Kit...let me sleep'. He moans sleepily.
'Ok fine... I'm going to wash'. I say standing  up not willing to fight him.
He sits up suddenly. I continue to walk over to the bathroom. He jumps up out of bed. 'I'll wash too' he says suddenly seeming awake and more like himself. I spin around.
'Aye!! I was going to'.
'I know' he pauses taking my hand. 'We can wash together'. So it seems we have to do everything together.
He pulls me with him into the bathroom and starts running the shower. He turns to me. But I'm expressionless. Maybe it's too early to argue it. Also I guess after last night I realise I really don't have anything to be embarrassed about anymore.

'Kit... your not angry are you? You don't regret letting me do what I did?' Maybe he's reading me wrong.
I shake my head. Before stretching up to his face and kissing him briefly before smiling. 'I'm not. Just still sleepy'. He grins back at me. The showers slowly starting to steam up the room. 'Now let me wash'.
He steps aside and I check the water before removing my remaining clothing. He's probably starting at me but I just try and focus on what I'm doing. I let the water rush over me.

Suddenly arms wrap around me. I try not to jump. He really was serious about washing with me. I not sure exactly what he wants or is expecting so I just continue letting the water splash onto me. He grabs the shower gel by reaching further around me. I can see briefly his serious expression. Then he's gently rubbing it onto my back, neck and shoulders.
This different kind of contract again is strange. But its Ming showing his caring side. The side I love. I let my eyes close at his touches.
Then he carefully spins me around so I'm facing him now and I stare at him while he rubs some over my chest and stomach. I stop him going lower incase he gets carried away again. He doesn't argue it. Which is reassuring considering it is Ming.

Soon he finished and I let the water rinse it all away and I quickly wash my hair before stepping out of the way for my boyfriend to wash. He hands me the gel.
I sigh and take it from him. Obviously it's my turn to put it on him. I pour some on hand before copying on him how he had applied it too myself. Slowly and gently. His soft skin slick with water so my hands easily slide over
him. I feel him staring at me all the while I wonder what he's thinking. Soon I finish my task. I leave Ming to finish washing I get out and reach for a towel I had previously left on the side and I quickly dry myself and exit the bathroom to dress.

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