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You heard voices besides you, around you actually. Where are you, what happened? So many questions flooded your mind, you were confused.

Your head was pounding, it hurts to breathe. You could barely move your arms, yet why?

After a few tries, you were able to open your eyes. You took note of your surroundings that you were in your room, on your very comfortable bed, but how. You groaned when a headache had snapped itself inside of you.

You sat up on your bed, while holding your head. The voices stopped all together, you felt eyes were staring at you. You looked around your room, seeing Karma, Nagisa, Kayano, Isogai, Tomohito, Yukiko, and Tōka were staring at you, as well as Ren, Silva, and guess who else..Asano.

You growled lowly at seeing him and Silva. Karma was at your side in a second, so was Ren. Gakushu stood in front of your bed, looking down at you. You looked up at him, your (e/c) eyes growing cold and piercing through him.

"What are you doing here?" You sneered, feeling Karma getting ready to grab you at any moment. Gakushu looked at him and Ren, nodding to them. They moved away from you, and so did everyone else. They all walked out of your room, Kayano dragging Silva with her. Now, it was only you, and Gakushu who was left alone in the room.

"Let's talk."

"We're already talking are we not?" You scoffed at him, pushing yourself off of your bed. You stumbled a bit, but you regain your balance quickly enough.

Once you regained your balance, you almost lost it when Asano threw his body around you. You glared at his strawberry blonde hair, struggling in his grip.

You pushed him back a couple inches, he was internally impressed. He knew you were strong, but he didn't think you were this strong. He grabbed your wrists in his left hand, and held you close to him with his right arm, his arm wrapped around you.

You wiggled in his grip, your head in his shoulder. You sighed in defeat, knowing the stubborn Asano wouldn't let go any time soon. You relaxed in his arms, resting your forehead against his shoulder, God you missed his smell. Smelt of strawberries and mint.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered in your ear. You quirked an eyebrow, before a grin pulled at your lips.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you, say it louder please." You hummed, hearing Gakushu grumble incoherent words, a growl releasing itself from him.

"I'm. Sorry. Is that better for you?" He said louder. You pulled your head back and looked up at him, damn fucker being so tall.

"Sorry for what hmm?" He sighed, he knew you were teasing him, and he was happy for that. He really missed you, he missed your scent, your hair, your comments, jokes, your laugh and eyes.

"I'm sorry for what I said two months ago. I didn't wish to end our friendship that we have, I miss you (Y/n). Please, forgive me." He released you from him, and bowed in front of you. You crossed your arms, tapping the ground with your foot.

"Hmm, should I forgive you?" You questioned aloud, watching him sulk. You grinned at this. You grabbed his wrist, flinging him onto your bed. You crawled on top of him, glaring down at him. The face he made was priceless, he had a blush but he looked as if he were going to piss himself.

"I forgive you Asano, I missed you too surprisingly." You laid yourself on top of him, your head on his chest, just like old times. He sighed in relief, running his fingers through your hair. You poked his nose, a stoic look returning itself to your face.

"That doesn't mean that I'm not mad at you anymore you fucktard." He sighed, and closed his eyes. You crawled off of him and walked towards your door. "Come on, I'm hungry, let's go get something."

You pulled your door open, and everyone fell inside, literally. It seems that they were easedropping on your conversation with Asano.

"What the hell are you doing you fucking cunts?" Karma chuckled lowly, pushing himself up out of the pile. He draped his arm across your shoulder, sticking his tongue out at Asano.

"Yeah, let's eat!" He cheered.

"You're buying." You smirked, watching his face droop. He removed his arm from your shoulder and crossed his arms. You sighed, everyone was in front of you door and you wanted some fucking food.

"Get out of the way you shit stains, when a girl's gotta eat she's gotta eat." Since they didn't move fast enough, you walked over them, which made them whine and complain. You even stepped on Silva, you putting more weight on her than the others.

Once you were on the other side, they all got up, whimpering and whining at the pain. You yawned out boredly.

"I could have just stepped on each of your heads crushing it under my foot, would you have liked that?" They stopped to their whining, that had shut them up. Once everyone was ready, you all went out to eat.

You all went to a cafe, everyone ordering something different. It was a cake cafe, so yay for sweets. You ordered a (favorite cake) with (f/d) on the side. You were sitting with Asano on your left, and Karma on your right.

You disliked how they both act almost the same, like they could be twins. Silva was on Asano's left, Ren on her left, and your group of E-class on Karma's right. You made sure Gakushu wouldn't say anything to your group, same with Ren, he does talk some shit at times.

Once all your orders came to your table, everyone began to talk. It was like you all were friends instead of enemies. Well, except for you and Silva, the both of you kept giving each other death glares.

Once again, you began telling horrible jokes, it was something you could never lose. Everyone cracked a laugh or two, or a smile. At the end of the day, when the sun was setting, everyone separated and went home. They still continued like how you said before, they all take care of you, switching turns, because you're still sick, you're just feeling a bit better today.

Asano called first watch, which meant he went home with you. Ren took Silva home, while Asano stayed the night at your place. You and him hung out for the rest of the night, he brought some medicine whenever you coughed or felt light headed, but the both of you kept a light atmosphere.

To say someone wasn't watching was an understatement, Koro-sensei was watching the whole thing. He saw how you still looked at Asano over the months, even now, your eyes still held love for them, but only few could see it.

He watched as you and Asano fell asleep together on the couch, your head on his shoulder with his head on top of yours, it was cute to Koro-sensei. He opened the window and into the living room, draping a blanket over you and Asano.

"If only he would love you back (Y/n)." Koro-sensei placed a kiss on your head, and left. He didn't see how yours and Asano's hands were entwined together, with a small smile tugging at your lips.

You were happy that you and him were back to being best friends again, but you didn't show it.

If only we could be more..

What Am I To You? (Gakushu Asano x Reader) // HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now