1) Finding Myself

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The word most people are afraid of but me, its the word I cherish. I always wonder "Is death peaceful?" or "Whats the best way to go?" but my questions stay unanswered.


The word I fear. Why, because nothing last forever.

As I packed my room I couldn't help but think. Wow. The room I was soon to leave was the room I grew up in. I looked at the photos and memories started coming back. I had the worst high school years and im glad there finally over. I'm going to miss my room, my family, New York but I want to travel and see the world before college.

"Find Your Adventure, and Tell A Story With It" As my father would say.

"Follow your Heart, and You will Soon See True Love" As my mother would say.

I guess that's how she met my father. They were happy together. Every time I see them they were always smiling and laughing together. I just hope one day I find my soul mate one day like they did. I miss my father. He died three years ago from a car accident. My Uncle tried his best to give me the same love but it wasn't the same.

Coming back to reality I packed the rest of my t-shirts, journals, art posters, and school metals only soon to be yelled at by Katy. Taylor was my twin baby sister. I just called her Katy from time to time.

Taylor: Sam stop packing.

Sam: I cant stop packing I leave in a few days for California.

Taylor: Why cant you spend summer with Tristan and I.

She was about to cry. Awe. I walked over to her and gave her the tightest bear hug ever.


Sam: We been over this Katy I'm leaving to see the world before college and that's final. Okay?

Taylor: Fine

Sam: Now come help me pack and later we'll go for ice-cream.

Taylor: YAY!

After what seem like forever I finally finished packing my room. I left some clothes out to last for the rest of the school year. So I wont digging through the boxes all the time. I didn't realize my mom had entered my room and it look like she had been crying.

Sam: Ma, what's wrong?

Mom: My oldest baby is leaving for college.

Sam: Ma I already told you. I'm leaving to California to see how the big city works. Uncle Walter said he was going to help me and he even said I can live with him until college. Until I get on my feet. I promise I'm going to visit. Don't worry.

Mom: You better visit on we all gone come down there to California and fin-

" I'm a goofy goober! ROCK!

You're a goofy goober! ROCK!

We're all goofy goobers! ROCK!

Goofy goofy goober goober! ROCK!"

I was a huge a  Spongebob fan. I was always a little kid at heart.

Sam: Hello...Your kidding right....okay....What time.....4:30....Okay....Bye Uncle Walter.

Mom: Who was that?

Sam: Uncle Walter he said he's flying me in the next day of my last day of school. How am I going to tell DeAuria and Aniyah I wont be able to spend summer and travel with them this vacation before college separate us?

Mom: They'll understand and you'll find a way to tell them.

Sam: Thanks mom.

Mom: You finished packing and soon you will be off on your own in the big world.

Sam: Yes mam. Come on lets go get some ice-cream and dinner its on me tonight.

Taylor: ICE-CREAM!


Sam: Shut up Tristan. Since you wanna talk you can pay for your own food.

Tristan: Big Meany.

He said sticking out his tongue at me.

I love my twin siblings. Their 15 years old. I just rolled my eyes at them.

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