16)Plane Crash

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>Sam's P.O.V <

Flight Caller: All passengers boarding "Flight 208 to New York" please board at this moment.

Sam: That's my flight.

I grabbed my suitcase and headed for my flight. I looked at the beautiful city I soon to love for only a short time. Then, I remembered that I'm leaving behind something I care about. Something I love. Someone.


Flight Caller: Last time, all passengers boarding flight 208 please aboard now.

Sam: Here I go........ Flight 208.

>Jacob's P.O.V <

I couldn't sleep last night knowing Sam is gone. I was such a dickhead I didn't even think about her feelings. It was around 9:00 am.  I turned on the TV to see the news was on. People were crying and in the background it was a plane on fire.

Jacob: A plane seemed to crash.

Chres: Yo Jacob you seen this note.

Jacob: No, what it say.

"Hey guys, I went home for the rest of the summer because I couldn't take it anymore. Don't worry I got a taxi to dropped me off at the airport. The girls know about my leaving. My plane was Flight 208 and ill call y'all when I land. Tell Jacob I'm sorry please."

Love Sam,

News Reporter: Flight 208 has crash 50 miles from the airport and no passengers seem to be---

Chres turned off the T.V.

Tears that threaten to fall. At that moment it felt like someone just shot me in the heart. Soon enough I was in tears. I lost the only person I ever fell in love with. The person I that actually cared about me. I looked at the boys seen that they were about to cry also. I wasn't about to think the worst. Im stupid. I should have never let her go.

Jacob: This is my fault.

I mumbled so no one would hear. 

Ray: Man, she's gone.

Jacob: NO! She isn't.

Chres: Jacob its going to be okay.

Jacob: NO IT--

Aniyah: Hey Gu-- Jacob are you okay?

Ray: Was Sam on Flight 208 to New York?

DeAuria: Yes, why?

Chres: Her plane crashed.

>Rays P.O.V<

I feel so bad for Jacob because the first time he finds love she dies. I know he is hurting right now.

Jacob: She's dead.

I couldn't believe those words and I wasn't about too either. I know she isn't dead. I just know.

DeAuria: What do you mean she's dead?

She turned towards me.

Ray: They just said on the news that "Flight 208 to New York" has just crash 50 miles from the airport. They didn't say how it crash.

Aniyah: No, we just seen her. She cant be dead!

Walter walked over to Jacob who was still crying his heart out.

Aniyah: Prince I know how you felt about Sam and I know it hurts you to hear that the person you really cared about is gone bu--but it will get better, trust me. Boys put on some clothes. Hurry!

We did as told and in a matter of seconds we was heading to the airport. DeAuria drove. We picked the wrong person because she was speeding and she ran 2 red lights. I'm surprised we didn't get pulled over. I look over to Prince to see him lost in his thoughts. Deep thinking.

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