8) Because We Care.

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>Sam's P.O.V.

I've been avoiding Jacob after what happen. I just still upset but I understand when he says that Hanna came upon him. Its just still hurts. He tries to call and text me but I just don't want to talk to him. I haven't really eaten in days since the wreck. My uncle doesn't know about the accident because I didn't want to tell him so he wont worry because he has so much going in with his life already. He calls and checks up on me. He even sends my friends and I money to just have fun. He said he was coming after his wife gets better. I told him don't worry I'm fine but actually I'm hurting. Badly. Not mentally but emotionally. Reading was the only thing I could do to keep my mind off the pain and starvation.

Since I have been out of the hospital every things been kind of strange. I really haven't spoken to any one just a few words and that's it. I stay in the house all the time. It's just I'm not myself anymore. DeAuria and Aniyah are still here, taking care of me and enjoying their summer. Aniyah and Chrestanto even have a thing going on. At least she's happy with Chrestanto. They practically do everything together.


At least she's happy. DeAuria and Ray are the best of friends. Its so cute because they are always playing pranks on each other and saying they don't like each other but honestly deep down inside its something different. Hanna went to visit family down here in a different part of Cali so that was good. EJ went back home to be with his family for a while before college so I don't see him anymore but we talk daily. Sometimes I miss Jacob but it just hurt to talk to him.

*Door Bell*

I got up to see it was Ray at the door.

Sam: RAY!

I gave him a hug.

Ray: Hey Sam.

DeAuria: Hey Ray. Sam put on your shoes.

Sam: Why?

DeAuria: Because you're going with Ray and I today.

Sam: But--

DeAuria: NO! You're not about to be cooped up in this house all day.

Sam: Fine.

I cant believe she is making me go with her. Its so unfair. I slipped on some flats to match what I had on, grabbed my purse and headed back downstairs. I followed Ray out to the car while DeAuria locked up. I just sat in the back seat with my headphones in looking out the window among the  beautiful city. Ray and DeAuria kept trying to get me in a conversation but today wasn't my day. Actually everyday since the accident wasn't my day. I was still looking out the window until I just zoned out completely. Thinking about how life would be after college. I wonder sometimes. The person I never thought i'd be with is actually the person that makes my heart skips beat.

"Baby its something I have to tell you."

The mysterious boy looked at me confused.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

Before I could even say anything I broke into a puddle of tears.

"Samantha please tell whats wrong." He pleaded. He sounded really concern.

"Im pregnant!" I tried my best to smile but when I looked up at his facial expression my smile dropped.

"May you repeat that?" The mysterious boy said not making eye contact.

"IM PREGNANT!" I said but a bit louder this time.

"So I did hear you correctly." He nervously giggled to himself.

Since I told him he hasn't even looked at me. He got out off the bed running his hands through his dark brown loose curls. He stood in front of me scratching the back of his neck.




I looked up at his face. No expression. Just blank.

"I don't think I can handle this right now."

"What do you mean?" I was getting upset. My pain turned into anger.

"I mean this is Good-Bye.......um!"

With that he vanished out the bedroom door and I was left there.......


My tears covered my eyes and a concern DeAuria was in my face.


The song went off and DeAuria & Ray staring at me worried. They much have been calling my name for a while. I wiped my tears from my cheeks and simply got out the car. We were at the beach.

Sam: I didn't bring a swimsuit?

I look over to DeAuria who's arm was locked with Rays like two married couple.

DeAuria: We're aren't swimming silly. We are going to the carnival.

My eyes widened and a huge creeped on my face.

Ray: Your welcome.

He smiled.

I tackled them in hugs and thanked them non-stop.

I absolutely LOVE the carnival. It was the last thing my dad and I did together before he died.

DeAuria: Don't thank us just yet.

She had a smirk on her face.


I jumped a little to his voice. I knew that voice anywhere. It was definitely his voice. DeAuria swung me around and to be face to face with Jacob.

Sam: Why are you here?

Ray: Because you guys need to make-up a-

DeAuria: And because we don't want to see y'all like this. Sam after everything has happen you haven't been yourself lately. And we been worried about you. I known you since forever and Jacob makes you happy. I can see the way he looks at you and the way you look at him, its meant to be. If it wasn't I would have kneed him in the balls after kissing Hanna.

Ray: That wasn't what I was going say but she's righ--ouch.

DeAuria: Then what were you going to say Rayan?

She crossed her arms and had a little attitude with Rayan.

Ray: Babe please don't do me--

DeAuria: I'm not you stupid babe Ray.

Ray: You wasn't acting like that a few minutes ago.

Jacob and I chuckled a little. I turned to Jacob to see him staring down at me.

I gave him the biggest hug ever. It just shows how much I really missed him. He seemed shocked i forgave him so fast but truly i missed being in his arms. Why wasted a beautiful day like this mad at someone when you can be enjoying it filled with their presence?.

Sam: Come on lets go to the carnival.

I smiled and grabbed Jacob's hand and practically ran up to the booth. That was until Jacob pulled me to the side from the other costumers.

Jacob: Sam I wanted to apo--

Sam: I forgive you.

I smiles giving him the best kiss ever. Something I did miss also was his amazingly soft lips. Woah. He was a good kisser too.

Jacob: I missed you Sam. I missed.....US.

I looked him in the eyes. I knew he meant it. I missed us too. I truly did.

Sam: I did too.

Jacob held out his hand and I intertwined our fingers.

Jacob: Ready madam.

I nodded. And we walked into the park. Today is going to be a great day.

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