3) Meeting Her

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>Sam's P.O.V

I got off the plane heading to the gates to see my uncle standing there with my bags. I ran up to him like a little kid wanting candy.

Walter: Look how much you have grown Sam.

Sam: I know and ready for college.

Walter: Well lets get you home to unpack and you can tell me everything on the way.

Sam: Yes sir.

I misses my uncle. A lot. But sometimes he can be much on a talker. He grabbed my large suitcase and I grabbed the little one. We left.

*Walters beach house*

When my uncle and I got to his beach house in California it was just beautiful.

Walter: Sweetie you like it.

Sam: Like isn't the word. LOVE!

Walter: Haha, let me show you to your room.

I followed my uncle into the house and I was speech less.

Sam: Amazing

Walter: Here's your room. I remember when you were little your favorite color was green and you were in love with 80's and 90's band so yeah.

Sam: Still is. Thanks uncle Walts .

Walter: Wait, I have one more surprise. Close your eyes.

I did as told and he spent me around a few times. When he finally stopped I was dizzy like crazy.

Walter: Okay, Open your eyes.

Walter: Old record player for an old spirit.

I always wanted an old record player but my mom couldn't afford one.

Sam: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love it.

Walter: Well ill let you unpack and if you want or need anything just go for it. Ill be back after a while I have to go to a meeting. Love you.

Sam: Love you too. And thanks again.

I gave him another hug.

With that he left. WOW. My room was incredible. It had Old Classic Rock Bands Posters on the walls and the main colors of my room was green and black everything. I even had a skeleton furniture set.

It was 6:38 p.m so I decided to call my mom and tell her I made it but sadly she didn't answer. I just gave up after three times of calling her.

Sam: I'm starving.

I explored the house giving myself a little to and to my surprise I seen someone I didnt except to see. I walked into the kitchen to see Chrestanto August from Mindless Behavior. Shirtless at that. What has my Uncle done to me!

Sam: Hi.

Chres: Wassup. Your Walters niece right?

Sam: Yeah, he told you about my arrival.

Chres: Yeah, and we were excited and couldn't wait to see you.

Sam: We?

Chres: We as in Ray, EJ, and I.

Sam: Ya'll live here or something?

Chres: NO! We are just here for his game room.

Sam: Oh cool.

Chrestanto and I talk for a while trying to get to know each other personally. Come to find out he is really goofy and funny. I told him Ill talk to him another time cause I had to finish packing and he was cool with that. I went back to my room and went to the record player and played some records I found next to it. I started dancing to the rhythm of the music while I unpacked. After a while of just being me I felt like someone was watching me. I just shook it off and continued unpacking.

>Jacob's P.O.V<

Jacob: EJ you suck at this game.

We are at Walters Beach House for the night cause of this enormously huge game room.

EJ: At least I'm better than Chres.

Chres: Shut up EJ. I'm trying.

Jacob: You guy suck I'm going to get something to drink ill be back.

Ray: Bring me back a coke.

Jacob: No.

Ray: Fine then.

I just laughed.

I walked out to get something to drink but on my way back to the game room I heard music. It sounded like The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby. So I followed the music to a room with a green door. I cracked the door a little to see a girl dancing. She was beautiful. I could tell she was into 80's music by the way she was dancing to it. It looked like she was unpacking or something. I just watched her without realizing I have been watching her for hours now until she stop the music. I seen her coming towards me from the other side of the door so I ran back to the game room hoping she didn't see me.

Jacob: Crap

Forgot my drink.

Ray: Where you been dude? You were gone for hours we thought you bailed on us. And where's my coke?

EJ: Jacob.

No response.

Ray: Jacob!

No response.

Chres: JACOB!

Jacob: Um. Huh?

Ray: You okay? We been calling you forever now.

Jacob: I'm sorry she's just so amazing

EJ: Who?

Jacob: Y'all don't know her?

Ray: Who Walters niece?


Them: Yes

Jacob: And y'all didn't tell me she was here and she was Walter's niece?

Ej: Sorry man but you never asked.

Jacob: Cause I didn't know she exist.

Chres: Well now you know.

Jacob: How do yall know her.

Ray: Walter told us his niece was coming.

Chres: I saw her this afternoon when we was in the kitchen. We talked for a while. She said she isn't gonna be here for long because she has college to attend this fall but she will be here until then.

Ray: She also likes that rock music so she is your type Jacob. That's what Chrestanto said.

I smile appeared on my face. Those words gave me hope of making her my girlfriend.

 Ej: Don't try anything man.

I ignored that.

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