7) How Could You.

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I couldn't take it anymore. I ran from the hall with tears streaming down my face. When I got back to the living room the movie was over. Everyone was in there own conversations till Ray noticed my presence.

Ray: Sam, whats wrong?

Without saying anything I ran out the house not knowing where to go. It was hard to see but somehow I managed it until I felt this massive pain towards my stomach.

Jacob: SAM!


>At Hospital<

Waking up to see strange walls and hearing the beat of my heart rate from the machine was a headache. Jacob was sitting next to my bed sleeping. I blinked a few times to make sure I can see clearly. Wires were attached to me every. I tried moving but that was painful. So I stayed put. I looked out the window into the dark city with the moon light only shining in my room. I couldn't move without being in so much pain but I had to pee. I suffer through the pain long enough to get halfway out of bed. I couldn't stand my legs were weak and painful.

Sam: OW!

I cried out as I hit the hard, cold concrete floor.

Was all I could say. Jacob jumped up and ran to me.

Jacob: Thank God your awake.

Jacob looked at me with tears in his eyes. He looked like he haven't slept in days.

Sam: What happened?

Jacob: You don't remember do you?

I nodded.

Jacob: You got hit by a truck and was rushed into surgery.

Sam: Why did I get hit by a car?

He looked down at his feet.

Jacob: Because you were running from something. You didn't see the truck and ran in front of it.

It all came back to me. I was running from Jacob because he kissed Hanna. To think I thought I loved him and what we had was special.

Sam: Jacob what was I running from?


Sam: And to think we had something special.

I turned away from him.

Jacob: Sam please I--

Before Jacob could finish the doctor came in thankfully.

Doctor: Mrs. Jones I see your awake. How do you feel?

Sam: Terrible. When will I be able to leave?

Doctor: From the accident and your condition will you leave in possibly a week. We have make sure your healthy and back to normal before we release you.

Sam: Why did I need surgery for?

Doctor: Well the truck hit you in front mostly towards your stomach and chest so you broke a few ribs. So we had to take an organ out of your upper stomach so you will be able to breath properly. Over the next few weeks you will gain uncontrollable weight. You will need to take your medication to help but there is no that you guarantee that you will be back to normal.

Sam: Thank you Doctor...um

Doctor: Doctor Brown.

Sam: Doctor Brown how long have I been here.

Doctor: You've been here unconscious for 5 days.

I stayed silent. 5 days. I fiddled with my fingers.

Doctor: The nurse will bring you your medication shortly. Rest up and I will be back shortly.

Sam: Thank you.

He nodded and left the room. I turned back to Jacob who was staring right back at me.

Jacob: Sam I am sorry for what happened.

Sam: So your sorry for kissing Hanna but your not sorry for the pain you cause me. The pain of having my heart in thousands of pieces. The pain of not feeling like I mean anything to you. The pain of...

By now my voice was cracking.

Jacob: Sam I'm so sorry please--

Sam: You don't need to apologize just please leave.

Jacob: Sam--

Sam: DON'T! Just leave Jacob.

Jacob nodded and simply left. I know I hurt Jacob but he hurt me even worst and Hanna. I don't even know her and she is already causing something. The thought came back. What if I would have died? Maybe I wouldn't have to worry about




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