The call day

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David's POV

I woke up with a heavy hart, it was 9:00 a.m.

I got up, went to the bathroom and then downstairs, I sneak into Matts room and I see that he is still sleeping, "good" I thought.

I prepare myself a cup of coffee, not in the tea mood right now, and walk back upstairs and take my phone.

I take a deep breath and call Lara's house. And a male voice answers.

B: Hello?
D: amm hello? I think I'm mistaken, is this Lara Stone's house?
B: yeah, man, let me get her

What?! A man? So early in Lara's and MY son's house?!

L: Hallo?
D: Lara
L: oh, David
D: who was that?
L: that's a friend of mine, his name is Bryan, non of your business, but I'm in a good mood today.
D: How are you?
L: I'm fine, I've got some work for a magazine.
D: that's good, I'm glad for you.
L: and you? How've you been doing?
D: I'm ok.
L: you sure?
D: Lara... I need my son.
L: agh here we go again.
D: Why wont you let me see him?!
L: David, we talked about this before, Alfred has a life here, not in London, he's in school, he has friends and family here
D: And so does here! He has a family here and he can have friends here
L: How about school. Eh?
D: I was thinking maybe he can spend this Christmas here with me
L: AND WHAT THE HELL YOU GONNA GIVE HIM?! A fucking Barbie?! A drees? Makeup set? So he can become a fucking faggot like his father?!

"Faggot"? Every word she said, was a stab to my heart, is it that wrong to be camp?
She seem to notice how much her words affected me. I hear her sigh.

L: I'm sorry David, but I don't want my son to be camp, to be a freak.
D: like me?
L: yes.
D: can I talk to him?

I hear footsteps and Lara's voice talking so someone, suddenly, the most beautiful voice I've ever heard talks by the speaker.

Alf: Daddy?

My hear jumped.

D: Hey buddy, how are you?
Alf: I'm good... are you coming today?

I laugh. Because I really don't want to cry.

D: no buddy, I'm in London. Have you received my gifts?
Alf: yeah! I got them! Thank you! How did you know that I love airplanes?
D: because I loved them too, Al.
Alf: So I'm like you then.
D: Well of course! you are my son.
Alf: Hey daddy? would you go to school for me one day? My friends don't believe me when I say that I have a father.

I fought back the tears, I tried so hard not to cry.

D: of course, I would love to. And then an ice-cream, how does that sound?
Alf: yeees!
D: I love you son
Alf: I love you too Daddy
D: Happy Birthday.
Alf: Dad?
D: yes?
Alf: can you send me a picture of you? Because My friends have one of their dads, but I don't.

That made it, I started to cry in silence, so he won't hear me.

Alf: Daddy? Are you there?
D: Yes buddy, I'm here.

I said with a shaky voice.

Alf: Are you crying? Don't cry, I'm sorry.
D: no no no, don't say that, I... I just miss you so much. I'm gonna send you tons of pictures, ok?
Alf: Yeah!

Then I heard Lara's voice "Say goodbye to Dad, Samuel is here!"

Alf: my friends are here, daddy, we'll talk later!
D: have fun, son.
L: David, why did you told him that you would go to his school?
D: Because I will, Lara.
L: You can't-
D: The hell I can, I'm his father!
L: Listen-
D: No, YOU listen and listen clearly because I'm only saying it once. I will have Alfred in my life, I'm gonna fight for him, Lara, I'm gonna fight for my son.

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