Not a good day

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Simon POV

After BGT I went home with a smile in my face, I felt so good after what happened with Alfred and David. I knew I did the right thing, I couldn't bare the thought of living without Eric by my side, so I have an idea of how he must be feeling. David doesn't deserve that, he is kind, and has a heart of gold. I kept thinking that having David in my life and in BGT, was one of the best things I've ever made.

As soon as I arrive I find the nanny sitting on the sofa.

K: Hello Mr. Cowell
S: Hey Karen, Lauren is not here yet?
K: No sr, she came home graved a few things and she left. She said she was going to be at her friends house.
S: oh ok... How's my son.
K: he's an angel, he is asleep now.
S: Thank you, Karen.

I paid her and she went home. I entered to my sons bedroom and found him sleeping.

I headed to my office at home to do some work, the time went by and suddenly it was 5:00 am, I hear the door open and I see Lauren with a little smile.

L: I'm home now.
S: Hey, what took you so long?
L: Marie's bachelorette party? Remember? Told you last week
S: true... sorry, I forgot.
L: No problem, going to bed now.
S: sleep well.
L: night.

With a last smile, she left to our bedroom. I kept working till 7:30 am, and as I was closing my laptop, Erick woke up.

E: Daddy!
S: hey darling.
E: Were you working?
S: yea.
E: Can I have some breakfast?
S: of course.

I was tired, but my son is first.
We went to the kitchen and I made some pancakes for him. I call the maid so she could take care of him, and I went to get some sleep.

I got in the bedroom and Lauren was sleeping soundly, I got into bed and fell asleep.

I woke up few hours later, it was 1:00 pm and Lauren and Erick were gone, according to the maid, she went to a mall with one of her friends.

This was everyday... I didn't see Lauren anymore, she had her job and her friends and I had mine. It's becoming harder.

I had lunch, took a bath and then I sat to read something in the studio. Yeah, I know, bet you thought I wasn't a "book-addict" type guy, but as a matter of fact, I do enjoy reading, and it all started with David. I had read some books in my life, naturally, but now I was reading a book that David gave me, "Faust" by Goethe, a german book.

After David gave me "Little Eric" book I decided that I want my child to read and have habits, so I decided that I should put the example, and it was good, it distracted me.

The story of Faust, talked about a man who waisted his life in science and power, but he was lonely, so after make some kind of pact with a demon called Mefistófeles, he turns young again to have a second chance. Curious, don't you think?

The day went by, and then it was time for me to go to BGT, so got ready and jumped in the car.

I arrived and Amanda came up to me.

Am: hey babe.
S: hello darling.

We exchanged kisses on the cheek.

Am: how are you? Tell me
S: Everything's ok
Am: you sure?
S: yeah, why?
Am: well.. I don't know, I see you more, distracted, absent... bored, may be?

I let out a sigh.

S: I don't know whats happening with my life, I mean, I love Lauren, I'm sure of it, but... it seems that we both live in different worlds.
Am: I know that feeling... the question is, are you happy?
S: I am.
Am: With Lauren?
S: I guess...
Am: let me put it this way... what's you favourite part of the day?
S: when Eric wakes up. And BGT.
Am: really?
S: yes, I mean, it's the most exiting part of my day, on the weekends I even miss David.
Am: that was really cute, by the way, what you did for him yesterday.

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