Neither of us

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I've waited some days because of what happened in my country 😔🇲🇽 many people had died and many people are homeless, as well many people has come to help.

I can't go to Mexico City to remove ashes, but I'm a volunteer collecting food and medicine to send to the affected places and I'll have to ask a favor from you.

If you can help by donating money or food or anything, please do.

Here is the link to a page in which you can donate in UK. Remember:

1 Pound = 24.10 Mexican Pesos
1 Dollar = 17.85 pesos
1 Euro = 21.26 pesos.

So if you donate only 1 for us it's gonna be 20% more.

If you can not help in that way, please share information in Twitter, Instagram or Facebook so other people can donate and please, say some prayers for us, we are very very vulnerable at the moment.

Now, I'm gonna leave you with the story, thank you for reading.


Simon's POV

Everything was perfect.

David was living again in his house, fully recovered.

Lara was living near Alfred's school (and near my house too), so I could see Alf a little bit more often.

Lara had signed for the shared custody.

Eric was now in his couple of weeks with Lauren, so I could see him on weekends.

We made Alfred's room in my house and in David's house, they were almost the same... well in my house was bigger, but anyways.

BGT members knew about our relationship and they supported us.

Amanda was about to start in a T.V. Series.

Alesha had a new album.

Ant and Dec had new awards.

Stephen went on top with his show.

Matt and Dr. Hugh had finally announced their relationship.

My Dave was about to publish another book.

Everything was simply awesome... except for one tiny and little detail...


I had people searching him, but he had ran away... twice!

And now I was sitting on my desk with some pictures of David and I kissing in my hand and a letter in the other.

"Dear Mr. Cowell,

I see you've won David's heart and his son, but I wonder, what would people think about that? And your career? And your empire? Your son's future? Just think about this... this and the $500,000 that you will give me if you don't want to see this pictures in the papers.

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