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Simon's POV

It have been two days since David and I broke up.

That day, was the day that I had to pay to Ernest, I had the money ready in a suitcase and walked out of my house. I left the money in a mall, with all specifications that he had left me.

I went back to my house waiting for some miracle to happen. To bring David back or to kill Ernest... he was the one who ruined everything.

And then my phone started to buzz.

I answered and it was one of Andy's men. They got Ernest.

I drove as fast as I could to the house that they said they would be.

They opened the door and there was Ernest. Tied up to a chair he had bruises on the face.

S: So... we meet again Mr. Black.
Ern: So it seems Cowell. What now? Are you gonna kill me?
S: No.

They looked at me confused.

I couldn't hold back and punch him. He looked at me with so much hate and spit up blood.

All the pain that he had caused David, all the troubles he had caused me, he was about paid them.

I punch him several times in the stomach.

S: I think I'm done Black, you know what's going to happen now? I'm taking $250,000 back and I'll let you stay with the others $250,000, but you will leave England. And you'll never come back again. Are we clear?
Ern: As fucking water.

I grabbed his shirt and lowered my face to his level.

S: Good. Because if you ever come back, then you'll regret it like you have no idea. Your problem is with me now, you'll leave David alone.
Ern: That faggot? His dick doesn't even taste that good isn't it?

I punched him in the face. He laughed.

Ern: Oh but you liked it didn't you? You swallow it? Deep?

Another punch.

Ern: But the blow jobs he gives are great, I mean... well, you know what I mean, don't you?

I lost it, I start to punch his face so many times until one of the Andy's men hold me back.

Man: That's enough Mr. Cowell.
S: Leave me!
Man: You'll regret it. Let us do that job.
Ern: Go on. Kill me. No one's gonna miss me anyways.

I stayed still and the bloke letted me go.

I stared at his marred face.

S: I'm not a murderer. Leave us alone.

Both giant blokes left.

S: This has gone too far.
Ern: I know.
S: So what the hell are we going to do?
Ern: I don't have to live anymore. No one fucking wants me-
S: Don't give me that crap you too.
Ern: My boyfriend left me. He was the bloody love of my life. He left me because he found out about David and my plan.
S: Well... that makes two of us. He found your letters and left me.


Ern: Fuck. I wish I had done things differently.
S: Me too.
Ern: It does any good if I say that I'm sorry?
S: No. You raped David. You are fucking sick.
Ern: I know, but-
S: I just don't want to see you ever again. You literally ruined my life.

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