A family

504 21 21

David's POV

I was dressing in my bedroom with Eric sleeping in my bed, I tried to not make noise so he wouldn't wake up.

Simon had gone upstairs to get dressed and wake Alfred so we could go to buy some things for his new bedroom.
We decided that before Simon and I live together, I was to spend some time alone with Alf in my house, so practically, Alfred was going to have 3 new bedrooms.

I smiled at the thought, I couldn't see the hour that I cou-


I heard Simon scream.


Eric woke up and I stormed out of the room. He was running down stairs.

S: Alfred is gone!

He grabbed his phone and called Lauren so she can pick up Eric.

I went running to his room. I felt dizzy, I was about to throw up, his bed was undone and his favourite bag was gone, as well as his favourite toy.

S: David.

Simon called from the door. He had the picture that was taken months ago now, the one with Eric, Simon and I.

S: It was outside your suitcase.

Then it struck me. My poor kid.

I stormed out of the house to find Lauren.

L: David!
D: Not now.
L: I'm gonna help you to look for him, between the three of us will be easier.

That's when I realised that there was a girl beside her.

L: She is Karen, Eric's baby sitter.

I just nod and started to run down street, after a few minutes I got tired, but I kept walking.

I couldn't think why Alf had done that. All I could think it was that I needed to find him safe.

Simon called saying that Lauren had gone to Lara's house, to see if he was there, but Lara wasn't home and I don't think that Alfred knew how to get there. Simon had gone to the hospital to see if he was there.

I kept walking. I went to the mall, to all the parks I knew, I asked to people, I went to some amusement parks, to the train station, to the bus station. Nothing.

It was already 5:30 p.m. My son has been missing 11 hours and a half. I was desperate, I had never been so much afraid as I was now.

I was sitting on a bench to catch my breath and keep looking, near the Thames. Simon found me.

S: David?
D: Simon...

I collapsed in his arms crying.

D: Where is my baby Simon? where is he?!
S: He's all right, we are going to find him.

Suddenly I push him away.

D: This is your fault.
S: What?
D: You yelled at him. If you hadn't ruin my life, my child would be all right. You and you fucking son-

My mouth was shut when he push me.

S: Don't blame this on Eric. He's 3 years old.
D: And my missing son is 4.
S: I know that! That's why I have more than 10 security guards and all of us are looking for him all over the city.
D: That's not enough! YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH! You are not fucking enough! That's why everyone has left you, Sinita, Lauren, Paula... and soon me.
S: I won't talk to you until we find Alfred. You are speaking nonsense.
D: I think I need time.
S: Time to find your son.
D: Time from us.
S: No David, I'm not giving you a shit.

The people around me.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant