Chapter 7

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"Are you ready to go or not?"
"I can't yet. My hair."
"Ly..." I sigh. "Come here. I'll help you."
"Okay." She walks over to the bed.
I tangle my fingers in her hair before scratching her head. She moans to the feeling, which makes me smirk. But in all honesty, I'm only doing it to make her hair worse.
...she gets up and looks in the mirror.
"Jamie... really?"
"I didn't do jack shit."
"Right. I'm a troll and you're innocent."
"From this morning and the shower, pretty sure I am FAR from innocent."
"But I'm still a troll."
"You're so beautiful."
"I'm mad at you."
"Are you, though?" I smirk.
"No. I don't think I could ever be."
"Stop messing with your hair. Just put it in a beanie and let's go. I want to get something from the food court. And." I hesitate. "Try walking around."
"Not in public. Too crowded. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I have to learn... and walking these floors slowly is maddening. Even if it is with you. I'll still be with you."
"If you feel any pain, we leave. Got it?"
"Phone first, play later. Got it."

We got in the mall, Ly was carrying me like she normally does.
"Do you get tired of this?"
"Tired of what?"
"Holding me... carrying me like everywhere?"
"Nope. I love to carry you around. Plus it's cute the way you cling to me like a bear to a tree."
She nodded.
"But Evil." I say before biting her neck.
"Heeeey none of that here."
"I said evil." I lick across my bite marks.
"Please.. not here. There are kids around."
"We'll have to work around that one day."
...that came out without me thinking.
She stopped dead in her tracks. For a second. Then started walking towards a bench. Once sat she pushes me off enough for me to look at her. I would.. look away if I could move.
"You want kids?"
I blinked a few times. I don't want to answer wrong... so return question with question. "Do.. you?"
"Yeah..." her face goes red.
I lean in and press my lips to hers before whispering.
"One day."
Then I kiss her again. It must be awkward... seeing two girls kissing, one straddling the other on a bench in the middle of the mall. Our kiss is short.
"Let's get your phone and get out of here?" She smirks.
"Sounds perfect to me."

Once home, I finish setting up my new phone. She kept poking my side while I was doing it.
"Can I help you?" I look over and smile to her.
"Want pizza?"
"Oooo. Yes."
"Same order?"
And I go back to my phone. She orders the pizza then curls close to me.
"Do you want to play a game?"
"Not if it means you winning."
"Come on. Black ops isn't that bad."
"No. You always end up killing me. And most of the time we are on the same team."
"Not my fault you get in the way. You're a sore loser."
I fake gasp.
"How dare you. Fine. Sticks and Stones."
"But that's the only one you always win at. How is that fair?"
"That's my condition. We'll... make a bet."
"Interesting. Continue."
"Beat me.. and you get to reverse my reward from last bet.. meaning I would try first."
"That's.. a pretty big bet. Punishment?"
"Fuck. Didn't think that far."
She laughs.
"We'll figure it out when we get a victor then."
Entering match.
I laugh.
I laugh.
I take in a deep breath. "Forgot how fun it can be to stab people."
"Jesus, Jamie. That.. was incredibly sadistic."
"Thanks." I smirk.
Another round started.
"Goddamnit Jamie. I quit."
"I have one."
"I know. And I quite enjoy it."
"Jamie.. that's not fair."
"Fuck. Fine."
"You asked me to play. So I am. So you have to."
Another round starts.
Last kill cam: Jamiesgirl. Killed by Lynnsgirl.
I busted out laughing.
"I'm done. I'm done. Nope."
"We can play hardcore. If you don't kill me."
"Why so mad?"
"I'm not.."
"You're just a 'sore loser'." I put in quotes.
"Shut up."
"Make me."
She put her controller down and jumped on top of me. Her lips crash into mine.
"That.. works" I try to say before she bites my lip.
"Okay. Hardcore."
...I laugh "Uh.. I know you're talking about the game.. But I surely wouldn't mind."
"Stop.. you're too much." Her smile was bright.
"Let's play."

The Middle (GxG) (Sequel to The Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now