Chapter 13

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"Why can't you carry me?"
"Cause the doctor told me not to."
"This is bullshit." She says as she stands and balances on the crutches.
"And it hurts."
"I'm going to be with you the whole way. We need to get shit for school."
"It's like 3 weeks away."
"So? Getting ready is better than not being ready at all."
"I'm not excited."
"Even to say I'm your Fiancee?"
"Okay. Definitely excited about that."
"Let's go."
    Once in the store it didn't seem so bad. I stayed close to her at all cost. If she would fall, I'd take her home.
"I almost forgot we have to stay at my moms."
"Ah.. that."
"We promised, Ly."
"I know."
    She holds on tightly to the crutches. I feel really bad. I just want to carry her but the doctor.. fucking Felix.
    I face her and see the pain in her eyes. It hurts me. It does.
"Want to go home? Since we have to pack and all? I think we got everything."
"Oh gods please."
"How bad?"
"Like I want to cry."
    I nod and lean down to press a kiss to her forehead. I can't even hold her hand, which makes me feel sick. I just..
"I hate this."
"What?" She continues to walk... or rely on the crutches mostly.
"Not being able to hold you... or hold your hand. I don't like it."
    She stops and turns her head to look at me.
"I admit, I hate it too. But after I'm good for walking. We will hold hands and walk together. Or you could carry me. I don't mind either way."
    I smile and lean down to press a kiss to her lips.
    We make it to the car and she climbs in with a giant sigh of relief. I can tell she is in pain. I just.. wish I could take it away.
"We'll get home. I'll fix something. And then we will head over to your moms."
"Okay." She grabs my hand and we head off.
    I fixed a decent lunch and we ate and then packed a few bags but.. Jamie..
"Sit down."
"Just let me do it, okay?"
"I can help."
"You're in pain. Take something and stay still."
    Her word stings. I sigh.
"Okay, didn't mean for it to come out so harsh. I'm sorry. I just really wanted to help."
    I get on my knees and lay my head in her lap. Her legs dangle from the bed. She tangles her fingers in my hair as soon as I do.
"I hate when you're in pain, J. It just reminds me that I can't do anything to stop it."
"You're the strongest drug I have ever had. And I'm addicted to the constant high that I will never get use to. You take my pains away, Ly."
   I just wish I could take every pain away. But I know I can't. And it sucks.
"Can I have something?"
"Whatever you wish for, I will try to give."
"A simple kiss."
    I get off my knees and stand to my full height. Leaning over her, she has to look up. I cup her cheeks in my hands and press a kiss to the tip of her nose.
"Hey.. that's not whe"
    I cut her off with a kiss to her lips. She melts against my touch and she kisses me back. The kiss isn't long but it's sweet.
"Time to go."
    She sighs and stands. Knowing she took some pills made me feel better but I still watched her like a hawk. I don't want her to get anymore hurt than she is.
    We walk in her mom's house. Her car out front. She's home already.
"In the kitchen, sweetie!"
    Jamie slowly made her way in there and I sit the bags by the stairs.
"Hey, Dee."
"Gods it feels like I haven't seen you girls in forever."
"It's been a week, mom." Jamie says.
"I miss you." Dee hugs Jamie after she sits.
"I miss you too, mom."
"So, how's marriage treating you?"
    I laugh. Jamie looks over to me with an amused expression.
"She hasn't said 'I do' yet."
"Looking forward to it." Jamie smirks.
"So have you guys settled in fully?" Dee asks.
"Yeah, it's great mom. We have a mini kitchen. Living room. Bathroom. It's really awesome." She seemed excited to tell her mom.
"You'll have to come over to see the finished product Dee. More than just for soup."
"That would be lovely some time."
     Jamie yawns but covers her mouth immediately.
"Yeah. I walked around a bit today. Well. A lot. And I'm wiped."
"Maybe you should rest." Dee offers.
"I want to. But it consists of actually moving again. And I'm still in a pretty good amount of pain."
    Hearing Jamie admit that actually hit me. Maybe I shouldn't have made her walk so intensely. I feel bad but I am only doing what Felix told me.
"I'm sorry, J." I frown.
"You are just doing what Felix asked you to."
    I nod.
"Honestly, girls, I am tired. And I want a nap myself." Dee laughs to herself. "So. How about we rejoin for dinner? Zee and Rose should be coming by."
   That reminds me.. how are they? I shoot a text to Zee.
~Hey.. how are you holding up?
~Better I guess. JJ tell you? -Zee.
~Yeah. I hope things are doing better. I'll see you at dinner.
~See you then. -Zee.
"Earth to Ly."
"Jamie to Ly?"
"Huh?" She pulls me from my thoughts.
"Can we go to bed?"
    Dee was already gone. I guess I spaced for a while.
"Okay. I'm carrying you though."
"Please? I would love to be in your arms again."
    I carry her upstairs into her old room.
"It's odd. Being in here."
"Because it's not my home."
    I smile but I know she can't see it.
"But I can feel it."
"Your smile."
"...was that..mind reading shit again?"
"You'll never know."
   I sit her down on the bed and she sighs.
"It's not the same. It's not our bed." She pouts.
"It's one night, Jamie."
"Yet seems like forever. I don't know if I can do this every weekend."
"At least you have me?"
    That's all she needs, right? ...right?
"You be pillow. Sad for you." She lifts her hand and flashes my ring. "That it's forever."
   I climb on the bed next to her and she rolls over on me.
"You're getting better." I encourage her. "And I look forward to forever."
    Within seconds I get a sigh.
"I love you, Ly." And her heart beat slows. I love this girl. More than life.
"I love you too, J."
    I soon fall asleep with her held tightly.

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