Chapter 61

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    It's been a month since Jamie started her treatments again and I can feel her pain. Sometimes I hate twin thing. Sometimes I hate it all.
   But I wouldn't trade my annoying sister for the world. She has 5 months until her wedding and I'm afraid she's going to show up in a beanie. I guess it doesn't matter, but it's interesting that she would want this.
   Love is love.

"Let me in."
    She pokes my side for the hundredth time.
"What?" I turn to look at her.
"Let me in." She kisses my temple.
"Just thinking about Jamie."
"Oh. She will be fine. She has all the help she needs and is still asking for it."
   I look over to the clock. 3 am. I grab my phone and shoot a text to Lynn.
~Tell her I love her and I'm sorry I can't be there for her. I already knows she can hear that.. But still.
    No response. I wasn't expecting one. I feel so sick to my stomach right now and I know why.
"Let's go back to bed, Babygirl. It's okay."
    I'm worried to shit though. It's the weekend now, we can take in all the rest we need before school Monday.
"Hold me?"
"When do I not?"
"I don't like to think about that."
   Her arms wrap tightly around me and we fall back against the bed. I turn in her embrace and face her. Why is she perfect?
   Her lips find mine for a short sweet kiss.
"I love you, Zee."
"I love you too, Roro."
   Every time I go to sleep, she coos me. Like a fucking hypnotized.
"I love you, baby."
"Love you too, Zee."

"Babe. School."
"I love you and all.. But no."
    She pulls the covers from me, leaving me fucking cold and naked.
"Oh thank you for excusing me." She starts to walk off. I launch forward, piggybacking.
"You're wet."
   She grabs my legs and holds me before jumping. Her skin brushing me... makes me let out a soft moan.
"You were saying?"
"Fucking asshole." I try to get down but she doesn't let me.
"Roooo. Don't do this to me."
    She sits me on the bed and turns around quickly. Her lips capture mine as she slides her hand slowly up my calf to thigh. I always am turned on when with her. Always. I can get enough of her.
   She pulls back. "Tell Master your desires."
   I shake my head, denying. Her hand reaches the point of hip and thigh connection. Her close contact is killing me.
"Master demands, submissive."
"We don't have time."
"I'll make it quick."
"I don't want it to be quick."
"We can do that later. Master wants to taste you now."
   Before I can protest she is already kissing down. There is a spot on my lower stomach that if she lightly touches, it can set me off. She knows my body better than I do.
   Her lips lightly touch my weak spot, causing a loud moan to errupt. If I wasn't turned on, I am now. She continues her trail of kisses down to my clit. This woman can solely fuck me by tongue and I will always submit.
   Her tongue slides along my clit before she brings my sweetspot in her lips. I love how she sucks on me. It only makes me moan louder for her.
   The light graze of teeth and flick of tongue always set me off. But I won't come yet. Not until she tells me.
   She stops sucking at me and brings open mouth kisses to my lips before sticking her tongue in me. I arch my back and bring my hips forward for her. Her hand reaches for my sweetspot and begins to rub.
"Fuuck." I feel tense. "Master...."
"Mmm." She gives approval.
   Her hand rubs faster to carry me quickly.
"ROSSSE" I yell out in climax.
   Though I want more, it's for time limit. She cleans my mess, then kisses up my body slowly. Her lips find mine in a deep kiss, lasting until I literally can't breathe.
   We take a moment... I take a moment.. to catch up with myself. "I do good for Master?"
"You always do." She licks her lips.
   I wish I could fucking taste her right now. I need to cool off though. Before we never get out of this bed.
    I hate separating for first hour. I mean we have the rest of school together but not first hour. And it sucks. But she's a genius.
"Come on. Let go. The teachers are going to start hounding for pda."
"Zee. We have the rest of the day after this hour."
"But I need you."
"You don't."
   I lean into her ear, dropping all to whisper so only she can hear. "A submissive always needs her Master."
"He's not in right now."
"I know he's not but I want him to be in."
"Fucking hell, Zee. Don't do this."
"Fine." I jump down. "I be good."
"I'm so close to killing you right now."
"But would you? Would you really?"
"Taking your lights out over and over should do the trick."
   I smack her arm. "And you say I'm bad." I press a kiss to her lips before pushing her off.

    Hour. Go. By. Faster. It's been like a year.
"We have homework."
"Zee James."
   Not. Totally not.
"Hey, why so pissy?" Skylar.
"She leave you hanging?" Emma asks.
"Always does."
   Emma and Skylar's hands are always linked. It's cute.
"You coming to practice?"
"I don't want to. But yeah."

"Hey, JJ." I say while walking in the room.
   I look around for other kids, no one. "Hey, Marissa."
"Hey, Zee." Everyone says.
   Rose starts her recordings.
"So 5 months."
"I know it's fucking crazy. I'm excited." Jamie smiles. Her eyes are a little dull...
"I love my best friend so much, I am going to wear a dress." Rose gags.
"I think you'll look sexy."
"Don't even right now."
"Sexual tension be strong." Abby laughs.
"So would you be wearing a tux at your wedding, Rose?" Jamie asked.
   Her face went red. "Depends on partner's wants."
~  what the fuck?
    'She just said she wanted to get married you dumbfuck.'
    I guess... But I don't have the balls to ask. So that goes nowhere.
   Jamie winks at me. I have half a mind to reach over and smack her.

~   'but you won't'
     Fuck off.

"I think the dresses are nice. Nothing beats the bride's dresses though." Abby says.
   Jamie curls closer to Lynn. Almost hiding her face.
"How are you guys doing?"
"We've been good." Jamie lies to me.

~   Liar.

   She ignores the twin thing.
"We've been okay." Lynn answers.
"Just okay? I know Jamie is lying to me."
"Fuck off, Zee." Jamie growls.
"She keeps getting mad at me. For being worried. I'm afraid to touch her sometimes and she gets pissed off."
   Noticing now that her arms are barely holding her.
"She's not fragile, Lynn. JJ will be a big girl and tell you when she's in pain."
"But I have a right to worry." Lynn looks like she is going to cry.
   I shoot a text to her.
~Give her the attention she needs. I feel her pain too. I have been up at 3 am after every session. I have felt her weakness and her pains. Just hold her. If she hurts, she will tell you.
   She nods. "Koala."
   It's such a cute nickname...
"I can't really hold you that well if you're slipping."
   Smooth. Smoooth. Real smooooooth. I guess not at the same time because she is actually slipping.
   Jamie quickly resituates herself and Lynn holds her tightly. Better.

~  'Thanks.'

"Who walks down aisle first?"
"Me." Lynn smiles and Jamie nods.
"We won't be in school anymore so I was wondering." Lynn catches Marissa's eyes. "Would you like to come to our wedding?"
"Do I get a plus one?"
"Of course." Jamie answers.
~   'Stop worrying. It's beginning to show.'
    How can I not, JJ? You know I'm up with you at 3.. or right now when the way her arm is resting hurts you. Of course I worry.
    'She's not hurting me.'
    Don't fucking lie to me, JJ. I deserve better especially when I can FEEL it too.

     Her silence takes the room. Though I know I annoyed her. She curls closer to Lynn and hides her face fully.
    5 months and I watch my sister be given away. 5 months and I hope her hair grows back and she is strong enough. She should be strong enough. Chemo ends in 5 months... so just ending.. at their beginning.
~   I know you're annoyed with me. But I love you.
     'I love you too, Zee.'

"I'm tired, Ly."

~   Tell her. She needs to know you're in pain.
      'It will hurt her.'

"And.. in pain."
   Her arms intently loosen around Jamie, Jamie doesn't move though.
"Can we go home? Please? I want to go home." I hear her begin to cry... instantly feeling like I need to cry.
"I got you, Koala."
    Lynn grabbed their stuff, apologized to Marissa and walked out. Jamie comes first. Always.
"Let me in, babygirl." Rose kisses my temple to get my attention.
"Nothing new, Roro."
"Talk to me please?"
"Just Jamie, babe. Just worried."
   I turn my head to her, her eyes searching for answers. She kisses my forehead and sighs.
"Don't shut me out."
"I won't, Ro."
    I never try to.


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