True Identity

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So...this is it...Dan is about to face The Nightmare...make a comment and let me know what your reaction is or if you knew who it was the whole time...

Alicia's POV

     Wow. I couldn't tell if I was supposed to be surprised, happy, shocked, or whatever. Dan actually knew someone from Canada, though it was pretty ironic that she ended up doing the same career as Dan, being a homicide detective. For a second I thought they were going to kiss or do something that lovers do, but nah, Crystal and Dan only end up hugging- still shocking the rest of us though. However, that was the least of our worries, and our major problem was the detectives' task of facing The Nightmare in the interrogation room.

     "What do you think she looks like?" Charlie muttered into my ear as the five of us walked down the dimly lit halls. I shrugged my shoulders.

     "To be honest? I have no fucking clue. I just want to know why the fuck she killed seventeen people in London, and then fled to here to kill like, seven more."



     Dan's POV

     Us five stopped in front of the room, sights all stuck to the window that revealed what I assumed to be my top suspect. All I could see was a small figure sitting quietly in a chair, her back faced to us, blocking my curious eyes from seeing her face. The Nightmare's hood was placed over her head, hiding most of her blonde hair, but leaving some to hang out in the open. I was fucking scared, terrified to see who she was, and worried that she might be a completely different killer than the one I had been pursuing for the last year.

     "Alright, we'll stand out here to observe you three in there," Detective Marsh said, directing Charlie and Alicia to face the half-silvered mirror.

     "Okay," Crystal mumbled, sighing as her hand slowly twisted the silver doorknob.

     The suspect's handcuffs jangled around as she shifted her body to slump into the black plastic chair. My body was somehow too frightened to move; not a single muscle wanted to sit in the seat that was waiting for me to rest on. Unlike me, Crystal took a few strides in her high heels, throwing the files upon the black table in the spotlight. I watched as the detective sat, scraping her chair across the floor as she moved to forwards, towards the table. Blue and brown met, her head nodded ever so slightly telling me that it was okay for me to walk over to my chair and sit down.

     I didn't bother make eye contact with Hallie, not yet, I wanted to let myself adjust to the tension in the atmosphere, have my body ease into the normality of sitting across from The Nightmare. My eyes continued to stare at the ground as a hand grabbed the seat to slide backwards, my feet digging into the floor to scoot myself into the table. 'This is it. It's a 50/50 chance that she's the one. No going back.' I let my head raise to see Crystal's first move. The IHIT detective shifted, now in a three-quarters position that faced the handcuffed woman. My brain made my body mimic the Asian's action. Once again, our eyes met, this time for a confirmation for me to speak first.

    "Who are you?" my curious eyes looked at the suspect, cowering in her grey hoodie, the long flap of cotton obscuring her face. 

     "Don't you remember me?" her eye catching, hazel irises stared back at me with a smirk.

     My entire body was electrocuted with pure shock and anger, seeing the face that I longed to face for a year and three months. With all the haunted images that etched their way into my skull, seeing the woman's face made sense when I thought about it. All the clues, all the descriptions and murder victims. It all made sense. The web of blood finally cleared, my eyes reorganized everything, from the first homicide to the final clues, all the pieces had finally come together to form a clear image in my head; the flashbacks, everything.

Blame: Book 2- Tick Tock (The Sequel to Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now