Caught a Ride

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So, there's a character
(F. B. I. Agent Riki Asada) in this chapter who's dedicated to TwoEvils and stormer_in_the_den, who have both given a huge amount of support to my books. Thank you to the both of you, and everyone else who has been reading them! ❤️

Dan's POV

"For fuck's sake..." I muttered as the lift took us up to the top. "Can't we go one day without Hannah fucking with us?"

     "Nope," Charlie mumbled as the elevator made its signature sound when it reached the end.

     "Well, I'm curious as to how she got that body impaled onto the tip of this tower," Alicia said, intrigued by the strange fashion of killing.

     "Same here," I sighed. "Maybe we should go and ask them for information," I motioned my head towards two well dressed men, standing by some police tape.

     "Yeah, we should," they agreed as we slowly approached the two, seeing their badges glimmer in the dim light of this strange spinning restaurant.

     "Um...hi?" I quietly greeted.

     "What are you three doing here? This is a crime scene authorized for police force only!" the brown haired man scolded.

     "Actually," Charlie and I mumbled at the same time, showing our badges that were tucked away in our shorts. "We're detectives from London, in pursuit of a fugitive," I explained.

     "Oh! Apologies! I'm F. B. I. Agent Thomas Wilson," he said, shaking my hand. "This is my partner, F. B. I. Agent Cory Simms," the slightly taller and younger one took a small step forwards.

     "Nice to meet you," Charlie smiled.

     "So you know who did this?" the younger, black haired agent brought back the subject.

     "Yeah," I said. "Her name's Hannah Ross, and she's wanted for murders in London and Vancouver."

     "Do you think you know where she is?"

     "Not a clue," I shook my head in disappointment. "Last time we called her, she gave us a riddle to solve," I huffed in frustration.

"Wait...she called you?!" Agent Simms asked. "WHEN?!"

"About 6 pm yesterday...why?"

"We can track her last known location by pinpointing her call," Agent Wilson said. "Do you not have that in London?"


"Well...sounds like your station needs a makeover!" Wilson laughed. "Doing this won't take long though, so you'll be able to get your phone back in a couple hours."

"Oh, alright," I dug out my phone, handing it to Agent Simms.

     Both F. B. I. Agents walked to the lift, the three of us watching as the shiny doors slid closed. A quiet sigh left my mouth as I walked over to the yellow police line, lifting it up for my partner and colleague to walk under before going under it myself. There wasn't much evidence on the floor, only a white towel and blood covered knife, marked with bright evidence markers. I kneeled down to the floor, as did Charlie, and we spotted a faint blood trail, which led to a vent in the ceiling, a space too small for my partner and I to fit through. However, I knew that Hannah, having a small build, would have been able to drag the body into the tight gap, explaining why there were dry, crusty blood chunks around the vent's perimeter.

Blame: Book 2- Tick Tock (The Sequel to Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now