Chapter Four: Marcus Cumberbottom

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Rhett's POV-

Link reads his phone screen with a shocked look on his face and takes a sharp breath. I can only guess what just happened...either this crazy person texted us again with another ridiculous threat, or someone is calling for help. Link looks at me and messages his temple with his index finger. "It's Alex, he says they are trapped in the prop closet by this guy...uh..." he glances at his phone, "Marcus...Cumberbottom?" 

"What kind of name is that exactly?"

"I have no idea man." 

I turn on another side street, making my way back to the office and keep my eyes open for any more strange people that might me following us. I'm almost at a loss for ideas when Link starts up. I listen carefully. Any plan at this point would help, even a theory.

Link's POV-

 We need to come up with a plan. As Rhett drives, I start blurting out what comes to mind. 

"I think the guy with the shades is with this Marcus guy somehow...and I have a feeling he already knows we are heading back to the office." I look at Rhett to make sure he's listening. He nods, and I continue: "We should park a little ways away from the building and try to sneak in through the back. I'll have Alex text me the current status of him and the rest if the crew still there, and then we can work with that to try and confront this guy face to face." I exhale and wipe my palm on the knees of my jeans. "Kay?" 

Rhett looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Nice job, Neal," he smirks, "let's just hope everything goes accordingly..."

Rhett's POV-

I decide to park a good block away from Mythical Entertainment. Hopefully it's far enough. Link doesn't protest, so I take the keys out of the egnition. Link taps away at his phone screen asking Alex the current stat. We walk in long strides and I wring my hands in concentration. Link shoves his phone in his pocket and we walk in double time untill we reach the building.

Link's POV-

The parking lot doesnt look that different than usual. Stevie, Mike, and Alex's cars are parked in their usual spots along the rim of the parking lot. The only thing that catches my eye, is the purple and gold confetti that's strewn by the front door. I jab Rhett's arm and motion my hand toward the brightly colored strips of paper. 


"Ow! Link did you have t-"


"What the hell could this guy need confetti for?"

"I don't know, c'mon."

We tiptoe to the back door and listen for any signs of movement. Rhett crouches behind me and presses his ear up to the door. I check my phone. 



"Alex didn't answer..."

Rhett sighs. I put my phone in my pocket and notice Rhett's puzzled expression. I push my glasses farther up the bridge of my nose and comb my fingers through my hair, "What is it?" I whisper. Rhett motions for the door. I press my ear against the wooden door and furrow my brow. Frank Sinatra? 

Rhett's POV-

After exchanging confused looks we decide to go for it. Link winces as he creaks open the door. We step carefully into the back hallway. Music spills from around the corner towards the front of the building. Link walks infront of me and every once in a while will stretch his arm infront of me and will listen carefully. The rooms along the hallway are completely empty besides the random power tools and office chairs that are strewn around the grey carpet floors. But that's normal here of  course.

All of a sudden a loud clanging sound echos across the building and the music stops. Link grabs my wrist and leads me into one of the offices by the corner of the hallway. I stick my head out of the office doorway and listen. Link looks at me. I look at Link. Faint footsteps are growing nearer by the second and my heart skips. This is no prank. I'm sure of it. The approaching person walks slowly and as they near our hiding place. I hold my breath. We press ourselves flat against the wall and try not to move a muscle. But it's no use. 

Link's POV-

In a matter of seconds I am met face to face by the strangest person. Truly. Five feet at the most. There is something unsettling about his large tombstone teeth that give off a grey sheen when he smiles. His eyes are almost black and open too wide for the expression he posseses. He has wirey eyebrows and a poor excuse for a gotee.

He wears a purple and gold sequined suit and a matching felt fedora. I look at Rhett. I don't think we have an option at this point to escape. What's the big threat anyway? A short guy in a Mardi Gras get up? He cracks his knuckles and adjusts one of the many gold ring  on his finger. "Soooo... I assume you are the two I'm looking for?" I have no idea what accent he's trying  to accomplish. Like a bad British accent done by a drunk guy.

Rhett is the first  respond, "I guess. I mean you did text Link about an hour ago right? Look dude, you have better  things to--" The sequined fedora guy reaches up and points a long narrow finger at Rhett's chest and taps in a sparatic rhythm. "I am Marcus Cumberbottom...address me properly Mr. RRRhhhet." He trills his 'R' in a way that makes me second guess the whole British thing. 

Rhett sighs and brushes Marcus's finger away, "Okay, Mr...Cumberbutt we just wanna get this over with. Where's OUR crew, and what do you even want?" 

Marcus chuckles  coldly in a way that makes me think what he's capable of. "Well, well... it looks like we have to talk." He snaps his pale fingers and strokes his gotee.

Suddenly, two men appear out of what seems to be nowhere, and Rhett and I are staring down the barrels of two strange looking rifles. I chuckle nervously and lift my hands over my head. Rhett follows suit. Beads of cold sweat trickle down his forehead. Marcus smiles, revealing a gold crown on one of his molars.

He waves lamely. "You are allowed to shoot, boys..." I try to yell out in protest, but before I know it I am slumped on the ground next to Rhett unable to move. I feel a stinging pain in my arm, I squint at my shoulder to see a dart full of blue liquid pinned into my arm. Marcus stands over us and  laughs, "Yep! Tranquilizer darts, nothing serious. Goodnight boys!"

I try to concentrate on my surroundings, but my vision is blurry and everything starts to look like I'm underwater. I see a hooded man walk towards us holding the tranquilizer rifle under his arm. I see my reflection in his oversized mirrored sunglasses as he leans down towards my face. His crooked grin is that last thing I see before everything fades to black...

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