Chapter Seven: My Short-lived Escape-(Rhett's POV)

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Rhett's POV- 

As soon as I hear Link's voice as I enter the dark room, I exhale with relief. I had escaped from my 'holding cell' in a matter of minutes, but it felt like ages. Tip-toeing through the long halls of this strange building was hard enough, but trying to find Link was even harder:


 I had found an open door in the back of the cement storage area that I was in, and it was plastered with old Beetles concert posters and layers of dust. It took awhile before I was able to get the door open and I was happy when I finally did.

I found myself in a long, dark hallway with only a few florescent light bulbs hanging from the ceiling that were able to buy me a little bit of light. The headache I woke up worsened from having to strain my eyes in the poor lighting for as long as I did. I knew that I needed to find Link, but how?

 I walked quietly down the narrow hallway, looking for passages or noises that would help me get an idea of where Link was, but with no luck. Everything in me kept me from yelling out in frustration. After walking in a straight line for what seemed like hours, I finally saw a corner and turned left.  

At last, a door. I walked faster to the passage and I prayed that it would open. I grasped the rusted doorknob and with much effort, the door opened. More effort than I expected, at least. The place where the dart was shot into my arm still stung, and my whole body felt like one big bruise. I walked into a strange room that was finally light enough for me to see. It smelled of rubber and mothballs, causing me to take shallow breaths and cover my nose with my t-shirt.

Bookshelves lined the room, filled to the seems with books. Tons of them. Papers were strewn on the floor, and a large oak desk in the corner sat stagnantly like it hadn't been used in centuries. The floor covered in a layer of old, matted carpet that might have one day been red.

I made my way to the front of the room when I froze.  Faint music? Voices. I strained my hears and craned my neck towards he gap in the door. One low voice in particular was the first thing I heard:

"I put the glasses-guy in there, sir. I-" before they could finish, another voice snapped in interruption causing me to jump. Familiar, but my fuzzy brain still couldn't place it: "What do you mean you put him in there?! I told you to wait for me! Let me guess, you tied him to the damn chair without me?!"

"Well sir, I-"

"Nothing. "I" nothing. The point is, Rodriguez, is that I told you that I wanted to tie him up! I was going to interrogate him first! Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"I'm sorr-"

"You are horrible at everything I tell you to do!" Then it hit me. Marcus. He's the one yelling, and he's right outside the door. My stomach dropped and I had to clench my fists to keep from shaking. The last thing I needed was to be shot again, and who knows if I would ever wake up again.

I shuddered and waited expectantly for the conversation to end so I could get to Link. He had to be close.  my train of thought broke as Marcus spoke up again, "I am done with you Rodriguez, but until I can find a replacement you are still working for me. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?" 


"Good. Now, where is the other one?"

"Still in the storage room sir."

"Did you lock the escape door...?"

"N-no, I didn't think--"


To my luck, Marcus and his assistant were soon running back to see if I had escaped. More like, Marcus was chasing his assistant and was yelling bloody murder about my possible escape. I only had so many minutes before they started to chase me down too.

After complete silence fell outside the door again, I opened the door slowly and was met with another hallway. Doors lined the walls and I sighed. So many hallways, so many doors. I followed the hallway down until I was met with the first door to my right. I was able to open it with no effort at all and to my advantage, it was vacant...


 I take a step into the pitch black room and half-whisper, "Link!" No response. "You in here?" Nothing. I go to the next door and open it again. I needed to find Link. I silently prayed that he was there. I took a deep breathe, "Link, are you in here?" There was a short pause and then I heard a voice. A strained and tired voice, but hell, it was Link. 

"Yeah, I'm right here!"

Despite the rush of excitement that took me over, I knew I had to be calm. "Good," I answer, "Let's get out of here..." 

Link appears next to me from the dark room and grins. "Okay, this is going to be tough, but we need to find the crew, Marcus, and where the heck we even are." Despite the tiredness I see in Link's eyes, he responds as enthusiastically as he can, offering me a slight grin, "Let's do it, let's go." I put my hand on his shoulder and am about to  respond when I am interrupted by faint noises down the hall.

Marcus caught my trail. I panic. I point to an empty room across the hall. Link nods and he follows me to the door. I open the door as quietly as I can and grab Link's wrist and pull him into yet another pitch black room. I groan in frustration. What happened to household lighting? I shut the door behind us and lean against it just in time to hear the familiar footsteps of our imprison-er coming clacking up the hall towards us...  

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