Chapter Twelve: Shadow of Doubt

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Stevie's POV-

I try to stay as still as I can. Every muscle is stretched like a rubber band about to snap. The footsteps come closer and closer. I hold my breath as long as I can, and my lungs can't even feel the carbon dioxide build-up yet. There is too much going on.

I can hear Link breathing shallow, quiet breaths and I pray he can't be heard. My long strands of hair stick to my face, and I can feel my shirt is damp from nervous sweat. 

"WHO'S DOWN HERE?!" The voice booms again, echoing across the walls and the stack of wooden doors that conceal us in the darkness. Another voice starts up:

"Uh-Rick? Don't you think they would have escaped toward the entrance?"

My heart skips a beat. Mike and Alex. They are by the entrance, and they will get caught. By thought is interrupted when I actually hear Mike's voice in the darkness: "Maybe we should look somewhere else..." he says, his voice quivering with nerves, "I don't think they would come down here, you think they would be that smart? C'mon guys..." he forces out a laugh in an attempt to convince this guy trying to hunt us down. Are they using Mike and Alex to try and find us? 

I had told Mike I would be here, maybe he is really trying to save us. The identity-less voice cuts again through the silence: "I TOLD YOU TO HELP! FIND YOUR FRIENDS, OR IT'S OVER!" Alex is the next one to talk, his voice just as shaky: "I'll tell you where they are..." I cringe. I can feel Rhett shake next to me. Footsteps grow closer. Fabric brushes up against the wooden doors. 



"They are downstairs by the emergency escape-" before he can finish, a sick sounding thud sounds in the darkness cuts off his words. The sound of metal on skull. The taste of bile lingers in my throat. He knocked Alex out. Mike gasps, "Why did you do that?! He told you where they are!" 

"Don't question me, unless you want the same thing."


"Bring them to the holding cells boys..." A familiar sneer calls from the top of the stairs. It's Marcus. Mike yells in protest as he is dragged up the flight of stairs by what I can guess is yet another pair of hit-men. The sounds of his cries makes my stomach turn. I try to ignore it. We need to escape.

Once the room has regained silence, I am sure that no one is down here. I better tell Rhett and link the rest of my plan. As long as we are "free", we can get out and save Mike and Alex. It all takes time, time I wish we had. 

"Okay guys," I whisper. "We need to make our way to the back hall that leads out of this room. From what I've seen, it should make it's way to a fire escape. As long as we can get there, things should be fine."

"But what about Alex?"

"As long as we stick to the plan, we can get him help. Let's hope he is okay at least."

Something in me tells me that we are not alone. I try to convince myself that it's just paranoia, everyone left. I am sure of it. I want to slap myself when I hear a cold voice on the other side of our wooden door shield. It's Marcus. Of course it is. 

"So, I see we have some smart ones." His voice send shivers down my spine, I can feel the hair on my arms stand on end. 

"I don't think you want to toy with death do you?" I can almost hear the wide smile on his lips. He chuckles coldly, "I don't think you realize how little you are..."

In the darkness, I can feel a warm presence right next to me. I am about to protest when I feel suddenly weak. My whole body feels like cement, and small flashes of light bounce around in front of my eyes. It takes me a second before I realize the aching pain in the side of my neck. A needle. I can feel myself fading. I can hear Link cry softly in desperation. Rhett breathes angrily. 

That last thing that I notice before I fade away, is the cry of Rhett as a needle pierces his skin.

There must be another way, we need a Plan B. 

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