Chapter Fourteen: Wanting Rest

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Rhett's POV-

Before I know it, I hear a loud clang and a mechanical beeping emitting from my door. Well, it must be unlocked. I kneed my tired eyes and make my way towards the door. I open it easily and make my way slowly into the hallway. I see Link a few feet away opening his door.

We make eye contact and I swear Link is crying. It's been too long alone here in this place. I want company more than anything in the world. And not leather jackets and a crazy abductors, but a friend.

Link walks towards me with shaky legs, "I'm just tired." He says in a weak voice that is layered with fatigue. His eyes are glossy and his hair is disheveled in a way I haven't seen him this comfortable with before. He stands next to me and puts his arm on my shoulder. "We can do this buddy," I try and sound encouraging, and it's harder than I thought, "We just need to figure out how to make this guy happy, and get the hell out." I whisper next to his ear to avoid any possible outside devices to pick up my voice.

We conclude with a hug and a pat on the back. I am about to try and find out why we were randomly let free, when I hear familiar steps from around the corner. Something tells me we are okay for now, I don't sense a threat. But to be honest, I don't have the greatest perception skills at the moment. 

"Well, the time has come....boys." The familiar Marcus voice makes me feel nauseated. "It is time to come for a proper introduction. My employees will make sure you are comfortable." He walks over to Link and taps a finger on his chest rhythmically, "I don't want any trouble." Link's red eyes glare slightly, "Wouldn't dream of it." 

Link's POV-

I walk next to Rhett as close as I can, our hands brushing together as we take tired strides behind Cumberbottom; our now over-controlling boss. Awkward or not, I need comfort right now or I'll likely fall into a million pieces. I try to control my shaking arms. I can only hope that what this guy means by "comfortable" is food, water and sleep. But I can't ask for too much. We reach a door. I'm not exactly sure how we got here, my mind races and I forget where I even am sometimes. Marcus punches a code onto the touch screen by the entrance. 

"Please place your palm on the flashing grid."

A robotic woman's voice emits from the speaker. Marcus obliges and the door slides open without a sound. The contrast of technology here is strange to me. Five floors up is an old hotel that has been abandoned for years, and here, a multi-million dollar establishment with techno- reinforcements. 

When we enter the room, the first thing that strikes me is the smell. Food. My stomach growls loudly as the scents of hot food permeate through the air. I look over at Rhett, who is expectantly looking at Marcus. 

Rhett's POV-

It is a simple looking room. Everything is clean and polished and there is an underlying smell of some tropical scented air freshener. Wood and red cloth upholstered furniture line the edges of the room. There is a long wooden table with large plates stacked with food and glass jugs filled with water. Just the sight of it makes my hands shake. I haven't had food for what seems like days, and my body aches for energy. I am too busy looking at Link and Marcus. Link and Marcus. Link and Marcus...

Marcus motions theatrically for us to sit down in two wooden chairs that are positioned right in front of a steaming tray of vegetables and a bottle of some expensive looking red wine. "Sit down and make yourself welcome...we are partners in business after all..." 

Its hard for me to be irritated at Marcus right now. Usually when I hear his shrill voice, it makes me nauseous, but I'm too distracted now. I am about to sit down and serve myself a heaping plate of this strange food when I turn to Link, sitting next to me in a similar looking chair. 

"Link...did you see Stevie?" I whisper close to his ear. Marcus is not paying attention to us right now. He whispers to one of his ill-schooled employees from behind his thin gloved hand. Link's red eyes dart around the room nervously looking through his scratched glasses lenses. "I forgot about them..." Link whispers, "I didn't hear anything about them--" He gasps loudly and grabs my wrist, "STEVIE!" 

As if on cue, Stevie, Mike and Alex walk into the room with blank stares on their faces. They look pale and their eyes look empty. "What did you do to them!" Link yells at Marcus. Marcus raises his eyebrow, "I didn't want any distractions from our main goal...I don't want you boys worrying about your little friends while we have work to do. Hush now."

Link bursts into tears and punches the table with a closed fist. His shoulders shake as he cries into his hands. I place my hand on his shoulder and ruffle his hair. Marcus snickers at me. This is the last straw. 

"YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I yell as loud as my lungs can allow and I can feel my face redden. Stevie, Mike and Alex stare blankly across the table as if they are asleep with their eyes open. No matter how loud I yell they won't hear me. Not with chemicals coursing through them like this. Marcus responds as if it amuses him, "Just a little bit if relaxant. Nothing emergent or terminal to their health." 

I can feel Link's breathing slow down as I rest my hand on his back. Even though all I want to do is wrap my hands around this guys neck, I keep calm and try to steady my breathing. My voice quavers and I feel faint from exhaustion. I have to push through. I stare Marcus straight in the eyes and say in the calmest voice I can, "Marcus. We will help you, we will do whatever the-Hell. You. Want. But if you hurt our  crew, I swear to God...I will kill you." 

Marcus stares back at me, and for a moment I might see fear. He quickly snaps out of his stare and smiles, "Of course you have nothing to worry about. It will all be just grand."

Link sits up and leans toward me. I try to keep from crying but tears still well up in my eyes. We watch pathetically as our crew members are lead out of the room by the arm by two burly body guards. I can hear Link sigh and I can feel tears stream down my cheeks. Marcus tuts, "well, we must have a proper dinner. Mustn't we?" He tucks a cloth napkin in the collar of his shirt and starts to serve himself from one of the bowls on the table. 

My stomach growls and I can feel myself growing weaker. I scoop some potatoes on my plate after Link, and I swallow them reluctantly. It does some of my stomach pain away, but it does nothing to improve my mood. After a minute of silence and chewing Marcus starts, "We should discuss this ordeal shall we?"

Link and I look at each other. All we can do is listen...

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