Chapter Fifteen: Friend and Friend

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Link's POV-

I sit next to Rhett making sure that I pay attention to everything this guy is saying. If there is any way we can get out of here, I just hope. I hope we can figure this out. I lean towards Rhett. My stomach churns from the sudden shock of food. I listen intently as Marcus talks in fake theatrical pacing:

"So, let us start from the beginning, you know why you're here obviously!" he laughs in a way that makes a flame of rage flicker inside of my chest. He continues, "Well, you were brought here to a hotel that I inherited from my late uncle, Fredrick Cumberbottom..." he pauses to dab his cloth napkin to the corner of his eye to clear an non-existent tear; "I have been here ever since...building up my brand." 

Rhett nudges me under the table and raises his eyebrows. I can see in his eyes that he is trying to communicate something, but I am too tired to care.

"Unfortunately, " Marcus sighs dramatically, "I will not disclose where you are exactly. My agent and I will have full control. You shall not worry too much boys..." Marcus drains the last of the wine from the bottom of his glass and waves it in the air for one of  a waiting hitman. The large burly assistant promptly tops his glass off with aromatic wine. The vinegar smell of it instantly makes my nose crinkle as the smell permeates through the room. 

A headache begins to flare in the center of my head. I can feel the effects of fatigue take over. I can see Rhett slowly dozing off and then sitting up suddenly from the corner of my eye. We wait for Marcus to conclude this 'introduction'. 

After a long while, Marcus taps his fork on his plate and smiles at a familiar looking standby, "Take these friends to their room Rodriguez...and don't mess up this time!"

We are promptly taken out of the room, hearing the snickers of Marcus behind us. 

Rhett's POV-

We walk down a narrow passageway until we are met with a familiar elevator. The guy in front of us smells heavily of cologne. The image of Stevie's eyes looking lifeless and pale flashes  before me as if she is standing right in my line of sight. I shutter. I can't imagine what they might feel right now, being so numb. We walk into the elevator and I can hear the chains and cables scraping and creaking outside the steel doors. I watch the yellow lights by the door blink upwards. 1...2...3...4...5...6...

The floors keep ticking away. Link and I just lean against the far wall to try and stay as far away as we can from the heavy perfumed man. But to be honest, the smell is already heavy in the air. Finally I hear a faint *ding* and the large doors open.

"This is the fifteenth floor." Rodriguez grunts. He glares at us from under his thick black eyebrows. It's almost funny. 

Rodriguez shoves my shoulder blade and  motions for me to walk into the room to our left. "This is where you have been instructed to stay until your work here is done." he says firmly. Link and I look at each other nervously. I hear an audible sigh from Link as we look around the dimly lit room.

There is a small oil lamp in the corner of the room that gives off very little light, but a heavy oil smell. A layer of grey dust covers everything, including the two mattresses that settle uneasily on two faded, wooden bed frames. I try to ignore how cliche this is for a situation like this, but the thought comes anyway. The irony is almost comical. Spider webs hang from the walls and ceiling, and the air is frigidly cold. We can't be close to's way too cold. 

Rodriguez pushes us into the room and is about to close the door when I bolt after him. "Can you please tell us where we are?!" I shout. He spins around and his expression hardens, "Boss told me I couldn't tell you. Just be quiet. Boss hates noise." He shuts the door abruptly and I can hear the metal clangs of keys through a keyhole. I can see Link panic and he runs to the door and pulls the handle. "OPEN THIS DOOR!" he screams frantically and punches the door, emitting a cloud of dust from where he stands. "Link!" I run over to him and pull on his shoulders. "There is no use now...we can't get out buddy. Not right now." I can feel Link's shoulders sag and I can see his blue eyes grow shiny in the dim light. "I just want to go. I just want to go..." tears stream down his face and he slumps to his knees on the ground and sobs.

I sit on the floor next to him. I can feel tears fill up my eyelids. Sweat forms on my forehead and I can feel my limbs shake. "It's okay buddy, we have each other. We're a team...right?"

"Yeah..." he says weakly. I ruffle his hair, "C'mon Neal, we need to sleep." He follows me to the other side of the room and we both sit on a mattress. 

Link's POV-

I lay down on one of the mattresses and try to close my eyes. I can hear Rhett's uneasy breathing and I feel faint with nerves. I can smell dust and lamp oil, and I almost gag. I can feel the tears on my face drying and my eyes burn from exhaustion. 



"I'm sorry..."


"I should have been more careful...I didn't know it would end up like this. I tried--" Rhett's soft cries drift through the spider webs and the chill in the air. My heart aches.

"It's not you buddy. It's him. We will get our crew's okay."

"You're right Link."

We are silent for a moment. Just are breathing and the occasional popping of the lamp wick. We both lay perfectly still. We just listen...

Rhett's POV-

I lay quiet. I listen to Link's breaths and it helps me calm down. I try to think of all the good memories we had together, and all the mornings we spent together. I think about our friendship.

"Link?" I say after a while, hoping he is still awake. "Link? You up?" the only response I receive is a slight sigh and a tired exhale. He's asleep. The cold cuts through my core and I huddle to keep warm. I lay awake and try to calm down. 

It is only a matter of  time before I drift off and dream of all the good times, and pray for our future...

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