Chapter Six: Stuck in a Chair

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Link's POV-

I wake up in a chair. And it's not comfortable at all. Not just because it's a cheap plastic porch chair...but because I am tied to it. I am sitting in a dark room, just light enough for me to see I am in a room at all. I

sit as still as I can and take shallow breaths, trying to listen for any signs of movement. I can feel my heartbeat pulse in my head and a headache takes over. I clench my teeth and try not to yell out in frustration. I need to figure out where I am...but how? I close my eyes and concentrate, even though it's so dark that keeping my eyes open wouldn't really make a difference. 

Small, fuzzy flashes of memory float around in my head as I think. I am mildly distracted by the fact that I can feel my glasses slowly slipping down the bridge of my nose. A guy with a long name...Cumber...bottom? Did we get shot? I wasn't alone...Then a thought shoots through me, causing my to jump slightly in my seat. Rhett. Where is he? Is he tied up next to me? I decide to try and whisper his name without being too loud. 

For all I know, there is someone hovering behind me, ready to knock me out as soon as I make a sound. I shutter. "Rhett..." I sit and listen for any sign of response. Nothing. I try again, "Rhett? are you here?" I strain my ears listening for any slight noises. Again, I'm at a loss. I hang my head and try to force back tears. How will I get out of here?

Then, as if on cue, I hear a a soft note of music in the distance. It's muffled by voices, it must be outside the door. Frank Sinatra? And then, everything comes back to me in a rush. Marcus Cumberbottom. The man who wants to take away our show and our crew, everything we worked hard for. He can't, and he won't. 

My glasses are now balancing on the edge of my nose. I shake them off and catch them between my feet. They are no real use to me now, seeing as it's completely dark. I try to see how I will be able to slip out of the ropes that are tying me to the chair.

I feel a loose strand of rope by my shoulder and try to wriggle out of it's bond. Without much effort, it falls on the floor and I am able to slowly maneuver my arms to untie the ropes around my wrists. I was able to get out of a straight jacket before, so this won't stop me. I grit my teeth in frustration as I untie the last rope around my waist. I lean over and grab my glasses from between my feet and stand up. 

My legs are shaky and I have to take a deep breath before I take a step so I don't tumble over. A light turns on outside the door and a yellow sliver of light shines thought the gap of the door, granting me a little bit of spacial recognition. I see a dresser of some sort against the wall to my right. And with the faint light I can make out a table close to where I was sitting, but nothing more. I hear footsteps outside the door and my heart skips a beat. 

The footsteps come closer and I hide against the side of the dresser farthest away from the door, hoping I will be able to stay fully hidden. The door creaks open and I try to take small, shallow breaths. I bite my lip as I nervously crouch in silence, trying to ignore my shaky hands. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping I'm not in for another chair tying experience. Then I hear a quiet voice, I instantly know who it is:

"Link, are you in here?" I exhale with relief. It's Rhett.

"Yeah, I'm right here!"

"Good. Let's get out of here..." 

The Cumberbottom Incident: Rhett and LinkWhere stories live. Discover now