Chapter Twenty: Location Manipulation

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Link's POV-

Rhett sits next to me and reveals a strange looking watch from his palm. There is a little screen that blinks with random blurbs of code information and many small buttons line the rim of the watch face. I think Rhett can see the confusion in my face when we meet eyes. He starts talking about something and I begin to zone out until I hear him finish off his monologue: "I think Doug might have just saved us.." Being saved. Huh. Sounds nice right about now..wait..did he say- "Doug?! Doug. Like Doug?" 



Stevie exhales deeply. "Link..I think you zoned out when he explained the thing." Rhett pats me on the shoulder and scoots closer. "Here Link. It works like this: Doug over there is one of--WAS one of Marcus's little butlers or whatever you want to call them.."

"Hitmen. Assassins. Large armed men."


"Okay yeah. The plan."

"Yeah..okay. So since Doug "works" for Marcus, he has all of the things that come with the job. Guns. Badges. Overpriced leather jackets. AAnnddd.." Rhett pauses for me to see if I'm still listening, "Technology. Lots of it." He leans over and shows me the face of the watch. He points to a little red dot that blips slowly in the corner of the screen. "This, my friend, is a locator. It known where Doug is at any time, and anywhere in the building." I think I know where he is going with this and I can feel the cogs in my overtired brain start to turn again as he explains this all to me. "So, here's the plan. We use this locator to our advantage. Wherever Doug is, according to Marcus..."

"We are supposed to be."


Stevie turns her head to Rhett and I, "That's great, but how do we get out of this room? The locator is in here, we are in here, Doug is in here. We are all sitting here when we are "supposed" to be coding a whole website...ugh. Sorry." I pat Stevie's shoulder. I wish I could do more, honestly. She's the one who we though was dead for Christ's sake. 

"It's okay, Stevie. Just relax here for a bit. We can figure this out." We exchange weak and tired smiles momentarily, before I turn back to Rhett. "Okay, McLaughlin. You got this one bud. But we need to get this going shall we?" I motion for Mike and Alex to come over from where they are sitting. "C'mon guys I think we got something here."

Rhett's POV-

I show Mike and Alex the watch, and after a very crude and brief assessment of the situation we are all on the same page. What a great page this is..

"So. How do we get out of here in the first place?" Mike had taken the watch out of my hand when they came over here, and started to press random buttons as he listened to my synopsis. He was still looking at the watch screen, but then he  jumped...and made a noise I was not familiar with before and I'm not sure I want to be familiar with again.



"I think we can get out of here. It says here to "report back to headquarters" in about an hour. Doug is supposed to watch us at all times...and he has to leave this room-"

"Which means we would have to leave with him!" I say louder than I meant to. I am not quite sure where this is going, but the thought of that door opening any time soon makes me a bit hopeful. Rhett messages his temples in thought as MIke beeps away on the watch apparatus. Alex just sits tiredly and fiddles with a thread on the hem of his shirt and waits for direction. After a long while, Rhett sits straighter and taps me on the arm to get my attention. "Okay guys. I think I know what to do."

"We got this."

"Well..let's hope."

"Okay, well we have about an hour untill that door opens...let's do this."

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