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Six months later..

Rhett's POV- Link still comes up to me with new realizations and thoughts about the whole thing. 

We still aren't over it. To be honest I don't think we will ever be. Explaining the ordeal to our friends and family has been hard enough, and I'm still floured that my phone and wallet are still fully in tact. Link walks over to me from the other side of the office with his usual cup of coffee on one hand, and his phone in the other. 

"I guess we have a collab coming up," he says nonchalantly. He shows me the upload schedule on his phone screen.

"Anthony Padilla? Huh..it's been a while." 

Link chuckles, "yeah he wants to have a meeting before hand with us so he knows what to do exactly. We have a video call with him in about an hour." He takes a drink of his coffee and swirls the remains in his cup. "See ya then buddy, Chase needed me for something." Link nudges my shoulder and smiles as he leaves.

Link's POV-

Rhett and I sit in the conference room and pull up the Skype window on the monitor it only takes a few moments after dialing until Anthony picks up.

"Hey guys! It's been a while!"

"Yeah man, last time we hung out Smosh was still 'goin strong!" Rhett laughs

We talk for a few minutes idly, laughing occasionally. Rhett keeps looking over to me to make sure that he doesn't bore me with his random fun facts he peppers in about types of wood and beans that have nothing to do with the conversation. I begin to stare off into space zoning out to the conversation. I have never been known to be the talkative one. All of a sudden, in the corner of the screen, familiar colors flash into my line of site. On the table behind Anthony, there seems to be random scraps purple and gold paper. Confetti?

I feel a pit drop in my stomach. Could it be...? No...

Anthony gets up for a minute to answer his door, and I turn to Rhett talking quietly. "Rhett..do you see that?" 


I point to the corner of the screen where if the pixels aren't deceiving me, lies a small bit of gold and purple confetti. Rhett's eyes widen and we both sit there in shock. "It's Marcus.." Rhett whispers. "How the hell...?"

Anthony sits back down. "So guys, I guess this is goodbye for now! I can't wait for next week, it'll be great to see ya!" 

"Anthony?" Rhett asks slowly, "Whats that on the table behind you?" Anthony laughs, "Oh, that?" He picks up the small pieces of paper and scatters them on the table, "I found this confetti type stuff in my parking space this morning..I have no idea why it was there, but I thought it was kinda cool." 

I can feel sweat on the palms of my hands. No way. 

"Well, bye-" before he can finish his sentence, he hangs up the call. 

Rhett and I stare at each other with wide eyes. 

This might not be over. 

 The End.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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