Chapter Eleven: Stevie's Story

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Rhett's POV-

We run as fast as we can down the dark corridor, trying to suppress our loud sharp breaths as we  sprint blindly behind Stevie. I am still in disbelief that she never got caught. My instinct tells me to start asking questions, but I keep quiet. We have no time for explanations now, we need to move.

Stevie leads us to a stairwell after what seems like an hour of flat out jogging. It slants precariously and smells of mildew and rotting particle board. She stops in her tracks and whispers:

"We should be close to where Mike and Alex are...follow me."

I look in Link's direction. It's hard to tell in the poor light if he is looking back at me, but I don't keep mind to it. We walk slowly down the cement stairs, grazing out fingers on the cold wall to keep us from falling. Occasionally I feel a drop of cold liquid fall from the ceiling and I wince. Who knows what that is...yuck. I can hear Link inhaling sharp breaths behind me through his nose. I can tell he is nervous by the way his breathing quivers. I silently feel bad for him. I am just as scared and confused as he is, but I try to suppress my nerves. I have to be strong for him. 

"Here!" Stevie whispers sharply.

We duck under a low ceiling behind some old replacement doors, all catching our breath with our hands our knees. Link is the first one to start; "How did you get out?" Stevie presses a button on the side of her watch that provides a dim green florescent glow, illuminating her face slightly in the eerie darkness. She grins in satisfaction as she retells her escape, Link and I lean in and listen intently, still hearing the faint chaos floors above:

"Here's what happened: It was about twenty minutes after you guys left. Alex was the first one to notice a strange dude outside, taking pictures of the front office entrance on one of those disposable cameras from the nineties. He tends to get a little bit paranoid, so I told him to not worry about it. It was then, when I realized that I hadn't seen Mike in a couple of hours. Strangely, I didn't notice until then. After Alex and I called Mike's cell, only getting his voicemail...we decided to search the parking lot. And that's when things all started. 

We walked out the back entrance by the alley, and we were met by these two guys. They were holding small guns of some sort, both holding a syringe full of some blue liquid..."

I can feel Link nudge my shoulder. In the faint light I can see his brow creased with worry. We both listen to Stevie, each recognizing our similar story:

"Before we knew what was going on, we were both on the ground with searing pains in our arms. That's when we blacked out."

I clear my throat, almost gagging at the taste of dust and old leather upholstery that lingers in the air: "Did they take your phones too?" I remember waking up in that fishing closet, quickly noticing the absence of my wallet and my phone. Stevie nods. "This is where things get bad..." she says. 

"Alex and I woke up in this old room that looked like it was ancient, as everything else is here. We both gasped when we saw our shirtsleeves stained with fresh blood, and an empty syringe dart gouging our biceps. It took us awhile to remember what happened. That's when we saw Mike, tied to a chair, completely unconscious. Apparently, this guy wanted to interrogate us or something. After many failed attempts, we were able to untie Mike, and wake him up. He told us a similar story: He had gone out to get props for our next shoot, and they had been waiting for him by his car." Stevie shutters. "I have no Idea why this guy is doing this. He told one of his hit-men to lock us in that room, but the guy probably doesn't have a I.Q. over 50, so we were able to get out easily. But that's where you came in-"

Link's POV-

As I listen to Stevie, I begin to pinch the back of my hand, hoping that this is all a bad dream. But to my dismay, Stevie is still here telling us what happened to her and I am still freezing, hungry, tired, and very irritated with this whole thing. I snap out of my thoughts and try to wrap my head around this. Stevie adjusts her watch and holds down the light button:

"This Cumberbottom guy was able to be heard from our end of the hallway, providing us with a little bit of information to find you guys," she says, a victorious smile across her face: "He said something about the second floor, and Link. I told Mike and Alex to stand at the door to hide my escape. I was able to get out by a small wooden door on the back wall. I was able to follow escape door signs until I found myself on the second floor. I heard this guy again. He was talking to you guys, and he basically gave me clear directions for me to figure out you guys were going to be downstairs in the basement."

I laugh quietly, "Wow. 'Yer good." Stevie grins and punches my shoulder, " I expect a raise."

"Anyway, I was able to go back to Mike and Alex. Mike had found a switchboard on the side wall of our room. He told me that he could turn off power to the main floor and the basement. All we had to do was find the generator room to cut off all power. We snuck down the hall. No guards, It was easier than we thought. We were on the Utility Floor, as the signs indicated. The generator room was at our full disposal. Alex ran back to switch off the board and we were able to disable the generator. That was the easy part. 

We devised a plan: Mike and Alex would be in the escape hall that leads to what we think is an exit. It's our only guess. In case you haven't noticed, all the windows of this place are boarded up. Which doesn't help. I was able to follow the sounds of hysteria to you guys...and here we are." 

"All I can say is...Wow." Rhett gasps. 

"Alright, enough talking." Stevie responds, "we should go. They should be on our tracks any sec-"

The distant yelling grows closer and we hear footsteps galloping toward the top of the stairs. Stevie switches off her watch. I squeeze Rhett's shoulder and I can feel cold sweat drip down the back of my neck. We crouch behind the tall wooden doors that guard us. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"WHO'S DOWN HERE?!" A loud voice booms across the darkness, causing all three of us to wince. We hold our breath expectantly. This is it. 

The footsteps grow closer, tapping against the cool cement.

This is it...

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