Chapter Twenty-One: Execution

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Rhett's POV-

After consulting Mike on how the hell we would pull this off, Link and I decided to sit by one of the computers and attempt some simple website coding to make ourselves look busy. Mike and I had laid out a plan last minute to get the hell out of make things seem more put together, I decided not to tell Link the plan and just told him to trust me. The last thing we needed sat this point was more anxiety in the mix.

After a while Mike walks over to me and I can see in his eyes that he is nervous, "I think we have it..I think this plan just might work.." he motions his hand toward the wall on the opposite side of the room. "If we are going to do this, we have to do it now." I nod in response and rub Link's back, making him jump. "Link..I think we have a plan to get out of here, but you have to trust me." His eyes are red with exhaustion, "I will..I dont have a choice.."

Link's POV-
I follow closely behind Rhett and I can see Mike giving him worried looks. When we get to the door, Doug nods and then faster than I can process, he starts yelling and running to the other side of the room, kicking his wrist watch in front of him an attempt to chase it?

The whole thing is odd, and I am about to ask what the hell is going on, when Rhett grabs my arm firmly and pushes me through the now open door of this god forsaken prison. There is a small screen next to the door reads Headquarter Meeting: Door Ajar. As if we had no idea that the door was open in the first place. Alex and Stevie are quick to follow and Mike then leads us to a small room in the darkened hallway that I feel I havent seen in days. When we are somewhat in one piece, I decide to ask what is going on exactly..but I'm afraid to know for sure.

"So..." I whisper, "what is this new escape plan? And why the hell is Doug yelling and chasing his watch around a padded room?" I try not to chuckle, because the situation is dire, but the words that are coming out of my mouth just seem too strange to be true..

Mike is hesitant to tell me, but Rhett gives him a nod to continue. "Well," Mike starts, trying to maintain his whisper, "In short, that watch that Doug is kicking around, I changed the settings so that the watch now has locators and trackers for every one of us on there..Doug would have to do that anyway, since Marcus has become more paranoid about this whole thing.." we hear a trickle in the wall pipes and the sound makes us jump. " what is looks like to Marcus, is that Doug is now chasing us around in there. We were able to lock the locator to just this as far as anyone on screen is concerned, we're staying right in there with the big guy." Alex smiles slightly, "wow guys...I think this might work.."

Rhett's POV-

Stevie still looks pale in the dim light, but she keeps up with our pace. We can still hear Doug's yells from down the hall as we make our way to the ground floor. We have seen enough of this house to know where the exit is, but we still have no idea what sensors we might come across, or if we'll even make it out of here at all.

Mike had been able to get a slight map of where everything was while programming Doug's watch. The small screen had a very crude looking map, but I guess it did the trick. We weave in and out of random hallways, all maintaining our silence, trying as hard as we could to keep our footsteps light and our breathing quiet.

Link stays close behind me. Closer than he usually is comfortable with. But I don't mind.

"Here!" Mike whispers. He points down the hall and I can see the familiar room where Link was tied up , and the closet where I discovered Cumberbutt's hoarding problem.

I can feel my heart rate get faster from excitement...we could be getting out soon.

The area around us is suspiciously quiet, and it makes me nervous..could Marcus just be watching us and letting us fall into his trap? I hope to God that we have outsmarted him. Because that's all I can do right now..hope.

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